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Posts posted by Arthurj

  1. Hi guys, I have been given a DS2A DX16C, but on boot up it says "disk problem - may be wrong fat version - suggest using monitor to reformat disk".


    From what I've read so far, I would need to know the ip address and use the firmware from DM however as I've never seen the unit working I don't even know if it has one let alone what it would be.


    My question is if there is a way to find out the ip considering the DS2 doesn't get past the "disk problem" screen. Or is there another way to get it working without having to send it to DM.


    Thanks in advance for any help


    Connect the Serial cable from your PC to Serial port 1 on the DS2, and use 'Hyperterminal' with the following settings: 19200-8-N-1


    in the Hyperterminal window, tap ESC ESC ESC to get the ?:\ prompt


    Type 'up towngirl'


    Type 'help' for command list, here you should change ip address as you wish with the network config command...




    Thats a great tip.


    Wish someone would give a small bit of info on passwords, like do you pull the snaphat or use a cable.


    There are a lot of otherwise good DS units going to waste because of lost or forgotten passwords. So, any experts want to give us beginners a clue or is the DS a closed shop!

  2. Hi Arthurj


    Thanks for the tips, after running several scans on the master hard drive (connected to my pc), I figured out that the partition table was corrupted. I tried several software utilities to restore the drive and all said that they had failed but when I tried it back on the DS2 it booted up fine.


    Now its the slave drive that shows a R/W error on the DS2 drive tests however it still shows 300gb of storage.


    I have formated it to fat32 and intalled it back and it said it was preparing the drive for image storage and seems to fine but the next time I boot up, it shows drive C ok but an error in drive D.


    I have also tried to format the slave drive and install the software by both methods mentioned here but none seem to work. I have got the ip address but when I connect the ethernet cable tha light doesn't come on so maybe there's a fault with the ethernet connection on the DS2.


    The other method of unzipping the files to a freshly formatted (fat32) slave drive also didn't work it just shows "disk problem - may be wrong fat version - suggest using monitor to reformat disk".


    At the moment I daren't try to re-install on the master drive as I'm scared it won't word and then I can't get it to work again.


    Will probably try to find a cheap maxtor to see if I can install the software to that.


    Could you just confirm that when you connect the ethernet cable to the DS2 it lights up at both ends.


    Thanks John



    I have very limited experence of the DS2.


    Yes I think you should have a light come on when you connect an ethernet cable.


    Did both drives work together before.


    I can only guess that the slave drive is not formatted correctly,is faulty or the unit itself is faulty. Also check the master\slave settings.


    What size is the slave drive and how exactly did you format it (that's important). You cannot format a large Fat32 drive with Windoze 2000\XP. You will need a third party utily.

  3. Mark


    The way I did it on a DS2 was as follows.


    Unzip downloaded file which contains "bin folder" "bootload folder" "disk.zip" "readme.txt" "Ftp.exe. Ignore the last two.


    Copy the contents of the bin, bootload and zip to the same dir. You will end up with the boot, bin and zip folders plus a lot of files. The original three folders remain intact. Hope that makes sense.


    I'm not sure if you really need to copy the contents of the folders. Maybe just use the three folders.


    To be clear. You put the three folders plus a copy of the files they contain on your drive.

  4. Hello tj9at_jp


    I connected the PC and the DS2 with a crossover network cable and used the windows PING command. I started at 192.168.001 then and so on . Took a long time and I got lucky. Theres a simpler way if you can connect the drive directly to your PC.


    You will need a new hard drive(s) and a small bit of PC know how. If you want I'll talk you through it by PM.


    As a matter of interest you can put any size drives into the DS2, up to 2TB. I put 2 400GB drives into the one I have giving me 800 GB. Got them in Maplin for E180 for the two. The software is free from the DM site. Theres a lot of rubbish talked about DM drive size and type ect. Any normal HD will work perfectly.
