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C7 in CA

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Everything posted by C7 in CA

  1. C7 in CA

    Tropical Storm Noel

    So you are half through it and still have power? not bad!
  2. C7 in CA

    Tropical Storm Noel

    Oh man, My roof would be gone. Do you guys use slate or metal? Would Asphalt shingles last through much of that?
  3. C7 in CA

    Tropical Storm Noel

    The only storms we have out here are fire storms. You would laugh at what we consider a hard rain.
  4. C7 in CA

    Tropical Storm Noel

    Ugh. Looks like it's right on top of you now. Probably be back to sunny skies by 2pm
  5. First thing I thought of was Polycom. They make quality stuff. I use their conference and IP phones all the time... I haven't personally used their video stuff, But I see it has multiple recording options. And of course it does a lot of other cool stuff too! http://www.polycom.com/usa/en/products/video/small_medium_conference_room/small_medium_conference_room.html
  6. C7 in CA

    Tropical Storm Noel

    Batten down the hatches Rory, I hope your troubles are minor...
  7. C7 in CA

    how much for installation

    30%? ouch. No wonder a toilet seat costs the government $300. We are closer to 50% on our labor to materials cost with cabling. If I had to conform to a requirement like that I would have to jack up the margins on the materials. In turn that would pump up the sales tax the client had to pay. I show all costs on our bids including a breakdown of materials used. Looks real impressive next to the 1 paragraph bids that mostly only talk about what the contractor wont do. And the bottom line price of course. Like kao our form says Estimate not Bid. It is usually never questioned. And I don't use it as a "gotcha" just a safety net. I still usually always eat some cost on a job. The only times I've really gone back with an addendum is when the guy that was in there before me did something stupid that I end up having to work around.
  8. Very Cool! I like this homebrew stuff.
  9. C7 in CA

    Cat5 Cable + and -

    Yep, That is a problem with regular data as well. Us data guys will go to great lengths to avoid crimping RJ45's. For those not privy-- If the install will allow, punch the cable down to a jack in the ceiling or in a jbox and run a patch cable to the camera. It might add 5 dollars per camera, but if it lessens the possibility of callbacks it will pay not cost. If you have to crimp, use a quality crimper.
  10. C7 in CA

    DOM chip help

    Sounds interesting, but now they will need to put usb ports on the INside of the computer cases...
  11. C7 in CA

    Free Internet

    Sounds like you are where we were a couple of years ago. Most wireless wide open. Now I find most locked down, but many, many more of them around. Our local telco ships out wireless "2 wire" routers. I wish they would shut the wireless off by default. All it is doing is clogging up the airwaves. My neighbor across the street has an AT&T "2 wire" broadcasting on channel 6 yet they don't even use wireless. My guess is that is typical of many of their customers. I hope google shuts off wireless by default on their TiSP routers. I think I am going to take the plunge and sign up for the "Royal Flush" tier. It's 36 Mbps for $24.95 a month!!!
  12. C7 in CA

    Free Internet

    Thanks! Good to be back. I have dropped in to lurk around a few times. I even had to have Larry reset my password awhile back... I'm still doing my phone systems and data cabling. CCTV is still a field of interest for me. I have even done a couple of CCTV jobs using customer supplied Bosch stuff. but I have somehow been sidetracked into doing lots of point to point wireless stuff lately...
  13. C7 in CA

    Free Internet

    Hi Rory! Long time no see. I stand corrected. I read this in the FAQ's: Keep in mind this is a fiber to the home solution. Wireless is available through the provided wireless router. I was going to try this until I read the last FAQ:
  14. C7 in CA

    Free Internet

    Probably; but during installation you will most likely need to flush twice...
  15. C7 in CA

    Outdoor Gate Surveillance

    I know this is a little off topic, but since it was mentioned... I share a DSL circuit. And I'm using a SmartBridges APPO with good results: here's a picture in another thread: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=24553#24553 The equipment works well for me and it is affordable.
  16. C7 in CA

    Forum problems?

    I haven't really paid attention to that, but here's a guess... You can delete your posts in a thread prior to someone else posting in that thread. Once someone posts to a thread after you, you can no longer delete your post...?
  17. C7 in CA

    Price of Gas

    I guess President Clinton lied about WMD's too? Odd though, He was already in his second term... "The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." -- Bill Clinton in 1998 1998 is when Clinton signed the Iraqi Liberation Bill making it US policy to support regime change in Iraq. Yep. Again, Clinton gave billions in nobid contracts to Halliburton for Camp Steelbond in Kosovo. Am I surprised? No. I mean, how many companies are there that do what Halliburton does? I want the company that can best supply logistical support for our Troops. I'm not a Clinton basher, and Bush has policies I don't support. I am just pointing out that contrary to what you have been hearing... It isn't all bush's fault.
  18. C7 in CA

    Time Change

    Just a friendly reminder to those of us living where Daylight Savings Time is observed... It's that time again. To keep the posting times correct on this forum you will need to change the TimeZone setting in your profile: http://www.cctvforum.com/profile.php?mode=editprofile
  19. C7 in CA

    Time Change

    I have always had to change it. If the server clock changes it then all the people that _don't_ observe Daylight Savings have to change their settings... right?
  20. C7 in CA

    Time Change

    Sorry. But are you sure your time is right? I'm in CA and my profile is set to -8 GMT for the correct time. It was -7 before the change.
  21. C7 in CA

    There is just something about your own house.

    Pitiful is my middle name.
  22. C7 in CA

    There is just something about your own house.

    You got your wiring done in a month? WoW! Congrats! I pulled in a 240v circuit on JUNE 29, 2005 and it's STILL not finished. But hey, at least the outlet is in a box...
  23. C7 in CA

    Boxes not turning red

    Whenever I have problems like that on these boards I clear my browser cache. So far it has worked 100% of the time. knock on wood!
  24. I like my Agilent Technologies FrameScope 350... It tests a CAT6 link a little slower then the Fluke. (The test only takes seconds anyway) But I like the touch screen interface better then Flukes ho-hum display. The Agilent has coax test probes available for the FrameScope but I haven't used them. This Agilent is a fullblown cable certifier. (big bucks) If you are looking to just find shorts and cable length and such you can look for a TDR. (Time Domain Reflectometer) Not exactly cheap either but shouldn't break the bank.
  25. The way I see it the NEC does not allow coax with power in this situation. But really the decision is upto your local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) http://www.mikeholt.com/mojonewsarchive/NEC-HTML/HTML/Article820CodeBasics~20030214.htm