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C7 in CA

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Everything posted by C7 in CA

  1. C7 in CA

    WebGate inc

    Yeah, I've seen your gallery before I think. So you can set it up were we could all have a folder with those thumbnail views that others could browse? That would be way cool! I'll need about a terabyte of space please...
  2. C7 in CA

    WebGate inc

    Bosch was smart to get in on that. I like it.
  3. C7 in CA

    Casinos in Biloxi and NO

    CCTVImports is open too. Minus utilities. I must be on a mailing list from ISC... ?
  4. C7 in CA

    3 beeps and then 2 beeps

    Checkout this: http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/kb/en/document?dn=1011727
  5. C7 in CA

    Anyone here in the Hurrican path?

    Well the media isn't spending much time showing the 100's of thousands that ARE receiving aid. This storm hit alot more then just New Orleans. It was something like 200 miles wide. And what is the media on the scene doing to help? Sure, they probably helped a little here and there. But they hauled in at least hundreds and hundred of pounds of broadcast gear. They should have been hauling in drinking water. And a couple of points about New Orleans... *It has always been a sinking city surrounded by water. *A mandatory evacuation WAS ordered before the storm. *Many of the victims ignored the orders to leave. Even "Fats" Domino stayed behind to "Ride out the storm" (and went missing for 2 days) *The hardest hit areas were already overrun with a criminal element that took advantage of the situation. The President said that relief efforts so far were unacceptable. I was actually surprised to hear that. Look what it says right on the FEMA website: http://www.fema.gov/areyouready/assemble_disaster_supplies_kit.shtm So anyway... Tuesday morning the levee broke that caused the problems in NO and now it's Friday and it looks like the relief efforts are in full swing. Sounds like things are on track (3 or 4 days for relief as stated on fema's website), but could have been smoother. With that being said; The criticisms should be left for post-event assessments. A few things I was reminded of: *Keep my bugout bag ready to go * Don't live in a flood plain *If told to evacuate... leave! *Don't rely on the government to save my butt
  6. C7 in CA

    I'm trying to figure out what I have.

    Thanks for the info guys. I think I'll probably build something with it. It is not mission critical so a cheapo MB is ok.
  7. I've got a PC sitting here and I want to build a dvr. But I'm trying to figure out exactly what I have so I know what cards I can run in this thing. I have this listed as the processor: x86 Family 15 model 1 stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~1693 Mhz Also I can see it's got an ATI Rage128 ProII video card and 256MB SDR DIMM. CD ROM, Floppy, Network card, and I think a 7Gig HHD. The OS is a student eval of Server 2000 and it dual boots to Mandrake. Server 2000 goes dark after a couple of hours or so. So what processor is this? and besides needing an OS and another HDD how's it looking?
  8. C7 in CA

    I'm trying to figure out what I have.

    It's just some homebuilt thing. It looks like it might be a pc400 SystemBoard. It's the P4 MainBoard M930 series. Says it's a Socket 487. And has a SiS chipset. How does that sound?
  9. C7 in CA


    Funny you should say that. The enclosure shown in my last post has a Middle Atlantic Vertical power strip installed.
  10. Cool. So is the 100 bucks for transmitter AND receiver? Did you use the ST model shown in the .pdf? SC is way more popular around here... I would imagine you can get it in a SC too. I always wear eye protection when terminating fiber. I've heard the same fiber in the blood stream warnings too.
  11. C7 in CA


  12. C7 in CA


    Sounds like the customer supplied Dell enclosure I installed 2 weeks ago. I don't have a picture with the doors on...
  13. C7 in CA


    thanks, you're right. It's working now. I had the same new posts not flagged issue like DataAve had...
  14. C7 in CA


  15. I'm not sure. Rory calls people that all the time... I think it's a term of endearment.
  16. Was that you I saw bringing dinner home just now dred?
  17. C7 in CA

    Modulator question

    two options. Feed cameras into DVR, loop out each camera to an input on the modulators. This would require 2 modulators. (4 channels each) These modulators would feed into the 3X8 amp I linked to. each modulator output would be programmed to a separate channel and he would have 8 cameras on 8 different TV channels. Or you can stay with one modulator and setup any combination of output he wants. for instance you can have 3 important cameras from the DVR loop out to the modulator input. Then from the modulator output to their own dedicated channels (full screen) and set the DVR display to mux the rest (or all) and loop out of the monitor on the DVR to the last input on your 4 channel modulator. Now the 4th modulator channel shows your DVR's display.
  18. C7 in CA

    Modulator question

    The 3 inputs to the amp would be for the cable TV, modulator 1, and modulator 2. Then there is 8 outputs for TV's. if you need more outputs for TV's you can daisy chain to another distribution amp.
  19. C7 in CA

    Modulator question

    He will need another 4 channel modulator (like he has now) and the 3 input amp to have 8 cameras on 8 channels. If he wants a multiplexed view you could do that too. For example... put the front door and driveway on their own channels and mux the rest to a third channel. Then feed the DVD player onto the 4th input so he doesn't miss any of the movie while he's in the kitchen making nachos... Oh, wait. That's starting to sound kinda like my house! Anyway that would be one less modulator and he wouldn't have to flip through 8 channels to see all the cameras.
  20. C7 in CA

    Modulator question

    I use that exact same modulator. Get another one and I feed it into this: http://www.channelplus.com/product_detail.php?productId=59 It has two inputs for modulators...
  21. Do they all really drive around in those VW's for house calls? Or are they sub'ing out most of their calls to local techs? One of my biggest clients works like that... They hold the National service contracts for places like WalMart, Right Aid, Kmart, Auto Zone, Block Buster, and so on. They get the call from the Corporate HQ of those companies then dispatch us lowly bottom feeders to actually perform the repairs/projects.
  22. Yeah, not many steel mills around here. But lots of trees. That was a great attic to work in. 12 feet at the peak and no tighter then about 3 feet at the low spot of the gable. Too bad the wood was so green. The glistening specs is sap.
  23. C7 in CA

    Forum problems?

    I have seen that issue on another phpbb board. The solution was to clear either the cache or cookies. I can't remember which...
  24. I guess CCTV is a little different then data networks. Mostly because there is usually a lot more cables for data. But I always run from the server room out. I pull the longest drops first. As I'm pulling the first drops I setup my Cablejoes where needed along the way. Then on the way back I install my Jhooks and remove the cables from the cablejoes and into the Jhooks. The trick is to mapout your pathways carefully so you can keep the bulk of your cables bundled. Then just branch off from the large bundles when close to the actual location of the drop. I rough-in all the cables first then set my guys loose on terminating the outlets while I work on the server room. ____________________________________________
  25. C7 in CA

    Mobile Demonstration Unit

    Thanks. I caught that when it was resized.