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C7 in CA

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Everything posted by C7 in CA

  1. C7 in CA

    BOSCH.. Need Urgent Feedback!!!!!

    Looks to me like your security measures worked well. You thwarted the theft. Looks like you responded fast. Maybe a perimeter alarm and motion activated lights would have kept him from reaching your car? If you are wanting to ID the bad guys then it looks to me like you need a tighter shot of the vehicle for starters. I mean, his face is only a few pixels wide. Can you install a camera on that balcony type structure behind the car? That looks like it would be a good shot of people coming up the driveway.
  2. C7 in CA

    Panasonic WV-CP480

    Is there a certified pano cctv dealer program? And do you mean selling direct to certified dealers or just sell to anyone? This is interesting because they are very strict about sales in their business telephone division. I have a supplier who is a pano wholesaler. He can't sell to anyone less then a certified pano dealer. I can't qualify as a dealer without a storefront.
  3. I found that but at $660 per 1000 it is way to much. How about running the UV exposed sections in conduit?
  4. C7 in CA

    general and technical DVR information

    www.cctvforum.com You found it! Welcome aboard. Maybe this isn't exactly what you are talking about. But you can see what DVR's are worthy of a closer look by reading through the posts here. And then visit the manufacturers and/or dealers website for specific details not mentioned here.
  5. C7 in CA

    Vandalism and Sysem Help Needed-

    rf modulator is my guess.
  6. C7 in CA

    Vandalism and Sysem Help Needed-

    Heat might be an issue. Other then that... Do you have a link for the 25 dollar lockable enclosure? That's a great price!
  7. C7 in CA

    Hey DVR Nerds

    I would say both if they tell you there is a difference. I have seen specs that will say something like 480 FPS live view, 120 FPS recording. If they only list one FPS it should be the recording speed in my opinion. But really they should list all frame rates...
  8. C7 in CA

    Tempest DVR Test

    Looks good. But yeah, I wonder what's up with the aspect ratio?
  9. Yes. Every connector I have bought included the locknut and a rubber O-ring. You can even see them in the picture in my first post.
  10. OH, No home depot? I thought they were everywhere... Ok. Then I would go with 3/4" Non Metallic Liquid Tight Flexible Conduit. Then decide on straight or angled connectors. The angled don't seem as strong as the straight. But this stuff doesn't have a very tight bend radius, so the angled connectors come in handy.
  11. Yes the connectors install and remove easily. You buy those separately, and the ones you need. straight, 45 degree angle, 90 degree angle, etc. You may be able to buy it by the foot if you don't need a whole roll depending where you buy it (any decent hardware store) You can cut it with a razor blade, PVC cutters, whatever. 3/4" should be ok. The 1" would probably be required if you follow NEC conduit fill charts. But I doubt your housings will have 1" knockouts.
  12. This stuff? I wouldn't call it decorative, but... Yeah, just call it non-metallic, liquid-tight, flexible conduit or similar. They should know what you mean. What are you running in it? With one Siamese I would use 3/4" IF you need to use a 90 degree fitting the 1/2" will be too tight. 1/2" is probably too tight according to the fill charts anyway.
  13. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    I've been pricing the VideoComm wireless video transmitters and they seem pricey for what they do. So I wanted to run this past some of you for suggestions and ideas. We are trying to put cameras in an apartment complex to keep an eye on 4 laundry rooms. 1 or 2 cameras each. Anyway... Can't install cables to the office without digging up asphalt driveways. Real time remote viewing is what he wants, So I was thinking of installing lower end 4 channel DVR's w/networking in each laundry room and feeding those into wireless bridges back to the office. I have a few "SmartBridges" point to multipoint networks out there and am confidant I can get the link working. It's networking the DVR's I have questions about. What are my options for multiple DVR's on a single network? If I can get this scenario to work then it will be cheaper then the VideoComm equipment; yet way more flexible. They are using a DSL right now and I doubt they have static IPs. But I have already mentioned possibly needing to upgrade to static. I can get a plan with 4 or 8 IPs if needed. But I think if we went with multiple IP's I would need multiple Access Point's at the head end?... I don't want that. Or an expensive router? I was hoping for 1 AP and 3 Bridges. The 4th laundry room in right in the same building with the office (and DSL) so no wireless needed there. So how would you network all those DVR's? Any design or equipment ideas?
  14. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    Thanks fred. I will look into some pricing on those. I'm going to go checkout the manual...
  15. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    Hmm. do you know what their max operating temp is suppose to be?
  16. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    That looks like a good one Rory. I wonder if anyone has pushed that upper operating temperature maximum? (95) I am not sure how hot it gets in the utility room built off of the laundry rooms. He'll just have to keep it cool enough...
  17. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    Cool. But I think 4 geo's would bust the budget. Do you know of any "affordable" 4 ch. stand alones that support No-ip and would work well in this scenario? This client isn't a big computer type guy. He just wants to see what's going on. So I don't want to overbuild. My guess is he will get a kick out of being able to see what's going on. But if there is ever a need to retrieve something he will probably call me to do it.
  18. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    Good point. But since he is going to view over the network anyway does it make much difference where it's compressed? Do you think the Video Comm stuff is the better way to go? Am I asking for trouble with all those DVR's?
  19. C7 in CA

    4 DVR project design

    I've heard good things about Canopy. I should mention this is not a large apartment complex. The 3 remote laundry rooms are within 60 feet of each other. They have a 400 foot radio line-of-site shot to the AP that would be mounted on the office. So I don't know that the complex would really benefit with a canopy system . But better encryption would be nice... I mentioned SmartBridges because they are affordable for the QOS they provide. No budget yet. It's a Request For Proposal right now. I need to come up with the best solution for what he want's to accomplish. --Monitor the Laundry rooms. If he can't afford my proposal I guess he'll have to build in phases. So, hardware aside, is it a viable design for what I'm trying to do? Or is there a better solution?
  20. Adelphia uses Digicon around here. And Ed Nielsen is a very knowledgeable coax guy that hangs out on a lot of these messageboards/newsgroups. He's a Digicon dealer. I've been using SnS for years. But my SnS tool won't do BNC. I'm using a CrimpMaster right now for BNC but I will be trying Digicon soon.
  21. C7 in CA

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    Yeah looks like a pretty good deal.
  22. C7 in CA

    DigiFlower Demo Site

    I am interested in checking it out. Just post when it'll be up. How many concurrent users can be logged in?
  23. C7 in CA

    Wireless Video

    Good idea. If they are really good I could mount them in the attic...
  24. C7 in CA

    Wireless Video

    That's a good question. I have been looking at this equipment today. I was looking at this chart: http://www.videocommtech.com/uploaded_files/pdf_archive/Frequency_Performance_150.pdf I was hoping for one receiver. Reading things like "selectable channels" makes me think it's a receiver for each channel. That makes for one ugly install on the receiver end when you need them all in one spot. But then I look at all the weather tight fittings and now I don't know what to think.