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  1. Hi All, I am stuck with the fol password, john has no answer even after 7 days, greatly appreciate if someone ca decrypt this for me. Looks like a salt1 code. $1$8qAREDHJ$fGgsF7lmady6L6FPsjzC TYA.
  2. n95k

    telnet missing

    figured it out, very easy. all ok now. how do i close this thread?
  3. Hi All, I am new and great info here I have a XM board based DVR which had telnet access, send detect email was having problems and I upgraded the box with newer firmware. Now the telnet access is gone and the port is not available anymore. FW version was "AHB7004T-EL_V4.02.R11.3070.Nat.OnvifC.20160524.bin" I can unpack modify and pack the bin files, so what should I do to the FW to get telnet back? Appreciate the experts advise. /etc/init.d/rcS is like below; #!/bin/sh /etc/init.d/dnode echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug mdev -s mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock2 /usr mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock3 /mnt/web mount -t squashfs /dev/mtdblock4 /mnt/custom mount -t cramfs /dev/mtdblock5 /mnt/logo mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock6 /mnt/mtd mount -t ramfs /dev/mem /var mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb/ mkdir -p /mnt/mtd/Config /mnt/mtd/Log /mnt/mtd/Config/ppp /mnt/mtd/Config/Json if [ ! -f /mnt/mtd/Config/HvrMode ] && [ -f /mnt/custom/HvrMode ]; then cp /mnt/custom/HvrMode /mnt/mtd/Config/ fi if [ -f /mnt/mtd/Config/ppp/3gdigal ]; then chmod 777 /mnt/mtd/Config/ppp/3gdigal fi cd /usr/etc ./loadmod ifconfig eth2 up ifconfig eth2 echo 2548 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes routedaemon& dogtest & #BurnSataHub & telnetd & timecheck & macGuarder & sleep 3 netinit & sleep 1 /usr/etc/pppd pty /etc/ppp/pppoe-start file /etc/ppp/pppoe-options & /mnt/custom/extapp.sh & #unrar x /usr/bin/Sofia.rar /var/ cp /usr/bin/Sofia.tar.lzma /var/ cd /var/ tar -axf /usr/bin/Sofia.tar.lzma chmod 777 /var/Sofia rm /var/Sofia.tar.lzma -fr dvrHelper /lib/modules /var/Sofia 9578 1