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Everything posted by jimlaman

  1. I recently bought this 8 channel cctv 720p system from Annke: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01B3VIYD4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It seems with this system the only way i can get mobile apps to work is utilizing its p2p settings + serial number basically. So my first question is: Can you somehow make a setup like this work with windows software (server software) that you can add cameras too, so i can have this camera + other cameras and maybe just record directly to the server rather than inside the DVR box, which i now have 2TB (40 days overwrite). This so if i go beyond 8 cams and have some ip's they can all be in the same system? I played around with ivdeoon server, but it seems limited to strictly ip cameras? Second question: This system seems to only have one audio input, so basically i think i'm limited to one single microphone placed somewhere but not at everyone of the cameras.. is this right? Last one is on online archive.. Are there any reasonably priced offline backup sources where i can have the stream sent to (instantly) for online backup, in the event a burglar comes in and steals the dvr after the fact? I've heard about dropcam, but i'm not sure if thats limited to their cameras and its about $18 per month(i think).. or maybe other ways of doing this free (i have a large server in my basement as well, hence the previous server based option, which is a bit harder to just steal on break ins). Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  2. jimlaman

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    I recently bought this 8 channel cctv 720p system from Annke: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01B3VIYD4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It seems with this system the only way i can get mobile apps to work is utilizing its p2p settings + serial number basically. So my first question is: Can you somehow make a setup like this work with windows software (server software) that you can add cameras too, so i can have this camera + other cameras and maybe just record directly to the server rather than inside the DVR box, which i now have 2TB (40 days overwrite). This so if i go beyond 8 cams and have some ip's they can all be in the same system? I played around with ivdeoon server, but it seems limited to strictly ip cameras? Second question: This system seems to only have one audio input, so basically i think i'm limited to one single microphone placed somewhere but not at everyone of the cameras.. is this right? Last one is on online archive.. Are there any reasonably priced offline backup sources where i can have the stream sent to (instantly) for online backup, in the event a burglar comes in and steals the dvr after the fact? I've heard about dropcam, but i'm not sure if thats limited to their cameras and its about $18 per month(i think).. or maybe other ways of doing this free (i have a large server in my basement as well, hence the previous server based option, which is a bit harder to just steal on break ins). Thanks in advance for any suggestions