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Everything posted by CCTV_Suppliers

  1. CCTV_Suppliers

    Power supply for eight Nuvico CBSD3895

    I am not familiar with this product line.. Can you please tell us if it takes 12VDC, 24VAC or both??
  2. CCTV_Suppliers

    Bosch LTC 0455 Repair

    What does not make sense is how the power wire was crossed with coax cable... it will be very difficult to cross these wires to damage the camera. Something tells me that you may have used CAT5e cable with baluns and applied the power to the balun and then it connected to the camera. That is probably what happened, but then again, someone can surprise me otherwise. How do you know for sure if these cameras were functional right out of the box? Has anyone tested them before the installation? It is not unusual to have batch of bad cameras, not probable when it is made by Bosch, but I have seen a batch of cameras from Bosch that were none functional out of the box and these were over 40 cameras in a batch (first eight did not even fire up except the domes). Bosch is great in solving these type problems and we were able to get all of the replaced in less than 48 hours without any questions. Is it possible that this was a bad batch? As long as you have the original boxes, the invoice when you bought it, call their technical support and see what happens... At least you have a chance to have all of the replaced, rather than going through the other avenues explained above.
  3. CCTV_Suppliers

    Please Help - PTZ control is playing up

    It will help if you can tell us the list of your equipment... the makes and the models, etc...
  4. CCTV_Suppliers

    1U rack mountable DVR security case

    Here is what we use: http://dvrlockbox.com/
  5. Depending on your cable lengths... If you are running more than 1,500' of cable, then you have to go with "active" balun solution. Otherwise, my preference always have been VU line of video baluns.. Pricing is not bad at all, as you can get them in the open market for $30.00 for pair of these baluns ($15.00 each)... Not bad for the solution vs. Siamese cable and BNC connectors that overall could cost the same and again it has everything to do on the length of the cables... The major advantage is that at one point if you want to switch to IP solution based hardware, then all you have to do is to make Ethernet connectors and you are ready to rock and roll... plus, with CAT6e, you have more bandwidth capability, so if you needed, it is already there by default.
  6. Good idea... I will recommend CAT6e instead - this cable is capable of higher bandwidth, which will come handy when you need it... Does not cost that much more, but you run it once and then you can change your analog configuration to IP based solution... Dependent on cable lengths, you can use passive or active baluns...
  7. CCTV_Suppliers

    I want your honest opinions

    Nuvico can not match up with ExtremeCCTV hardware... C-mon guys...
  8. CCTV_Suppliers

    I want your honest opinions

    ExtremeCCTV model has much better performance and durable than Nuvico version... Does cost more though...
  9. CCTV_Suppliers

    SANYO 3716 Remte Access Information

    What you are asking should be covered in the manual of this recorder.. unless if the passwords have been changed by the vendor... The quickest fix I think is for you to call Sanyo Technical support and I am sure they will help... Here is their phone number (888) 667-2696. They have some very good technical people that I am sure will help you..
  10. CCTV_Suppliers

    So what laptops are you guys using now?

    Rory, you are something else man... now I have to do this before I go to sleep... I rather get another one and play with it.. The on hand is already very functional and I do not want to change anything on it... no crash period because it is linux... speed is not that important, but I will find out what you have done... Good job man...
  11. CCTV_Suppliers

    So what laptops are you guys using now?

    How did you do it man? Not that I favor Microshaf... and have been using Linux for over 10 years, just curious... I know that you can and if you can share some info, I will appreciate it... The main issue for me would have been the drivers and miniature version of XP like Tiny XP?? I know it takes external devices easily.. Regardless if the current offering from ASUS comes with XP already preloaded, I'd like to know how you did it...
  12. CCTV_Suppliers

    So what laptops are you guys using now?

    The version that I am using is their Linux based solution. I checked the XP version and was not thrilled about it.. with Linux version I have basically everything I need and great for travel too... Besides the cost being sub-$400 range, it makes sense to use them..
  13. CCTV_Suppliers

    New system parameters

    Has anyone build or tested any PC based system that had more than two video cards with dual outputs? We built these basic systems and were able to provide four monitors and control of eight recorders controlled and viewed by one workstation. I am asked to raise the stakes and provide a workstation that will control and take advantage of up to 12 monitors.. I am not sure if it is practical for one person to control or view these many monitors at the same time, but it is a request.. Any info will greatly be appreciated.
  14. CCTV_Suppliers

    So what laptops are you guys using now?

    Fairly interesting product isn't it? It is not very powerful and yet delivers all the basics someone needs.. I have one of these and have been using it for the last month.. it actually could be a great service tool, if someone is using it to program systems in the field...
  15. CCTV_Suppliers

    Sanyo VCC-ZM400 opinions needed.

    Fairly decent product... and it does deliver the goods as specified. Its zoom in and out feature is fairly easy and yet does exactly what it states... We sold few of these units recently and they worked like a charm. If you need more information and want to talk to Sanyo technical support, please let me know. More specs is here: http://us.sanyo.com/industrial/security/cameras/quarter_color/index.cfm?productID=732
  16. CCTV_Suppliers

    CCTV system & Network Design for Gas Plant & remote

    muhammad, where are you located?
  17. CCTV_Suppliers

    Pinhole lenses

    Computar lenses... the company is CBC America and they are the pioneers of CCTV lenses...
  18. CCTV_Suppliers

    DVR rethink. Which one in this price range?

    Rory, is this laptop the ASUS version with 7" LCD screen?
  19. CCTV_Suppliers

    VU or NVT Baluns

    RG-59 cable limitation are no more than 1,000' direct distance, so looks like Siamese cable solution will not do this trick for you. Looks to me that the cable runs for cameras #1 through #11 and the #16 can use passive balun solution just fine. You have to make sure that you are running the CAT5e cable straight through without any splices (splicing adds more resistance, thus will effect the signal). VU will do a great job for these above runs just fine. Just remember that VU also has 16 channel balun hub, so you can have all your cables concentrate to this hub and then use simple RG59 and BNC patch cable to extend to your DVR. The CAT5e cable quality will determine how far you can run these cables, so make sure you are not picking up some cheap cable. Here is VU specs on their baluns for one of their products: http://videobaluns.qc.net/PDF/specBL3725.pdf As for cameras #12 through #15, use NVT or other brand active balun technology. I do not like NVT, but it will work. My personal preference is American Fibertek... and I am sure others will give you their assessments... If you need any other info, please let me know.
  20. CCTV_Suppliers

    DVR rethink. Which one in this price range?

    Price range should give you decent DVR with excellent video quality for both playback and for remote view and there are several options that I can suggest as follows: 1. GE Security DIGI-4-160 4-channel Digital Video Recorder 160GB HDD Front USB Port - This model is based on MPEG-4 compression and provides excellent video quality. It should run around $900.00 range and comes with 160GB standard drive. You can add more storage if you want up to 1,000GB or 1TB with some doing, but with three years warranty and performance, it is an exceptional system. 2. Sanyo DSR-2004H300 - This model also uses MPEG-4 compression and is very popular with Casinos - Here are some of its specs: * MPEG 4 Recording for Low Bit Rate, High Picture Quality, and Optimal Storage Capability * 160 or 300 GB Storage Capacity * Recording Speed up to 120 ips * Camera Recording Rates are Individually Adjustable from 1 to 30 ips * Triplex Capability - Simultaneous Recording, Playback, and Network Monitoring * Built-in Motion Detection for Alarm Recording * LIVE Capture Allows Still Image Output of Live Images * Easy Search Functions - Event Search, Time/Date Search, Time Line Search * PTZ Telemetry Control Capability * IR Remote Control (Included) of up to Nine DVRs * Supports Composite and VGA Monitor Outputs * Two Way Audio Over the Network * Easy Backup of BMP or JPEG Still Images and AVI Files with USB Memory Stick * Supports DHCP for Automatic IP Address Assignment * Also Supports TCP/IP, SMTP & PPPoE * Supports up to Four Concurrent Network Users * Auto Recording with Optimum File Size Pricing should be under $1,000.00 range. 3. Ganz DR4NC-250 - again MPEG-4 compression and comes with CD burner. This system also comes with 250GB internal storage and you can take is up to 1.5TB internal storage. Here are some of its specs: * CBC 4 channel DVR With 250GB internal storage * Uses MPEG-4 Compression * 4 channel video and audio recording * 120 IPS recording speed * Up to 704 x 480 (4CIF/D1) resolution * Optimized MPEG-4 compression * 10/100 Base Network Connection allows remote viewing, playback and PTZ control * USB-2 Port for quick downloading to a thumb drive * Internal CD-R drive for data backup * PTZ control (drivers for most popular models are included) Pricing should be around $750.00 range. Any of the above options come with three years warranty, MPEG-4 compression, excellent playback and remote view quality picture and falls within your budget. These items are available in the market from many sources, so very easy to get them. I have few more options, but hope that the above will help.
  21. Here is something interesting in how Sony justifies their specifications on all their cameras: http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/ssr/cat-securitycameras/resource.solutions.bbsccms-assets-cat-camsec-solutions-minIllumination.shtml If only all the rest of the manufacturers can use the same test methods to justify their specs...
  22. CCTV_Suppliers

    VU or NVT Baluns

    Since most of your run probably are more than 1,500', then there are not many other choices on the passive balun side... Besides your 600' run (which will qualify using VU passive baluns), the rest should use active balun connections. NVT provides decent active balun technology, but there are other who provide the same and costs less... I am sure other members will jump in shortly with their assessment...
  23. CCTV_Suppliers

    R&R Hard Drive on Sanyo 3016

    Hey bud, It is extremely easy to get your hard drives replaced on this Sanyo DVR... You will need PATA drives (SATA drives will not work). Regardless what size drives you had in this machine, you can drop (2) of any other size of drives you want. We were able to drop (2) 750GB PATA drives and the system does recognize just fine. Your simplest and the most cost effective option is to drop two 500GB drives or less capacity. Just make sure that you assign the drives correctly - master and slave configurations. Once you have them installed correctly, the system will recognize them just fine and will start recording again. No additional software change or addition is required. Hope this help.
  24. CCTV_Suppliers


    Too late...
  25. CCTV_Suppliers


    Happy Birthday in advance man... As for wishing your wife to buy this, well it will remain wishful thinking