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Everything posted by CCTV_Suppliers

  1. CCTV_Suppliers

    Ext housing supplier

    Aigis Mechanics are who made the housing for Bosch in the past... and they have some very serious selection of housing for any application... Here is their website: http://aigismech.com/
  2. CCTV_Suppliers

    Help with an indoor camera from my home

    How is the lighting conditions at night? How wide of an angle to you want to cover? One of the basic cameras that you can use is IR based bullets that could do the trick... Or, if you have decent lights at night, you can use day/night cameras with IR corrected lens and obtain optimized picture... There are too many options available in these categories, so what also will help if you can tell us your estimated budget, so the members can have a better feel which models could work... Happy New Year man...
  3. CCTV_Suppliers

    Export Long Video Clips

    What is your make and the model number of your DVR?? Dependent which system you have, it may come with CD or DVD burner, which then determines how long of a video clip you can export on such media. Or, sometime you can export such clips to your local or remote computer if you DVR does not come with CD or DVD burner, which then also will give you the same options on exporting video clips. If you can burn double sided DVD media then you can have much more video clips than your standard CD burners.. Again, it all depends which DVR you have and what its capabilities come with...
  4. CCTV_Suppliers

    Help ASAP with time lapse VCR trasfers

    As Scorpion stated, we need to know the make and the model of your VCR.. Dependent which one it is, chance are that a different model make work.. To transfer video from VCR tapes to DVR environment so that you can burn CDs or DVDs, well that also depends on the format of what your VHS tapes contain... Let us know and I am sure with all our combined knowledge in this forum, we should be able to come up a solid answers...
  5. CCTV_Suppliers

    Upgrading from time lapse to DVR

    Matt, I am not familiar with anything Nuvico, but is there reason why you need 480 FPS box anyway? Do you intend to have very large storage, like more than 1TB and higher at this frame rate and resolution?? Do you know anything about embedded systems, which are non-Windows and non-Linux based system...? Very basic and simple systems that operate without any of the inherent problems known with both operating systems... Price is important and with major brand name products, you can get better pricing and more importantly, three years warranty... and they work day in and day out without any need for updates or upgrades of any sort that are common for Windows and Linux based systems... If interested, please let me know.. and I can make some recommendations from Sanyo, Mitsubishi (anything Mitsubishi comes with five years warranty) and few others..
  6. CCTV_Suppliers

    What cctv camera lens you usually use?

    As I said before, stick with brand name lens and you have nothing to worry about... make sure you selection is for your application - for day/night camera, go with day/nigh IR corrected lens, so you can harness the best results possible from whichever camera that you want to use. I have seen people buying expensive cameras, like Panasonic CP484, then use unknown brand lens and then complain why the picture quality is not good... and the vice versa will not work either. well, you always have to match lens with the camera... quality with quality... There are few names that were used here and they all all are great.. Some other manufacturers use OEM version of these same producers. Bottom line... Best lenses go with best quality cameras... and the cheapo goes with cheapo.. and it does not take a brain surgeon to figure this one out...
  7. CCTV_Suppliers

    How to hook up 2 checkpoint multiplexer

    MP3200??? You must be joking... This model pricing is substantially higher than 32 position matrix switch, which is more than adequate for this user...
  8. CCTV_Suppliers

    Help me Hook up 2 checkpoint multiplexer

    Since your VM96 is in its last stretch and parts are very rare to obtain (we do have some parts, but very limited)... your other choices are as follows: 1. The most cost effective option is to buy ADTT16E touchtracker and connect directly to your domes (using this keyboard allows you to control up to 16 domes only). You can bring back the video from your domes and "still" cameras to your Checkpoint multiplexer and then use your VCRs to record... This touchtracker is a full blown controller and again, is the cheapest way to get you up and running... 2. You can purchase 32 position matrix switch with keyboards separately (your VM96 touchtracker keyboard will not work on any matrix switch other than VM96)... The model number for this new system is ADMPLT32 (price should be around $1,300.00) and it does not come with any keyboards... and your choice is to use either ADTTE, ADCC0200P (with 2 axis joystick) or ADCC0300P (with 3 axis joystick... Out of all the keyboards, the ADCC0200P should be the most cost effective and works better than the touchtracker... 3. You can purchase 16 position matrix switch with keyboard separately (your VM96 touchtracker keyboard will not work on any matrix switch other than VM96)... The model number for this new system is ADMPLT16 (price should be under $800.00) and it does not come with any keyboards... and your choice is to use either ADTTE, ADCC0200P (with 2 axis joystick) or ADCC0300P (with 3 axis joystick... Out of all the keyboards, the ADCC0200P should be the most cost effective and works better than the touchtracker... 4. Buy parts if available for your VM96... As I stated above, we have some parts, but not for complete system... and dependent what is wrong with your VM96, it may be a long shot to get it working... I will suggest going with option two and your choice of keyboards... Have you ever considered to go with Intellex system? Besides the fact it will replace your multiplexer and VCR combination, but also not only you can control your domes locally, but also remotely... Let me know if you need anything else.
  9. The reason I ask the make and the model is that each manufacturer that we operate with come with their own pendent mounts for their own minidomes or even full features domes... If you have a preference on manufacturers, please let me know. Example - CBC has minidomes, lets say ZC-3024 minidome (http://www.cbcamerica.com/cctvprod/ganz/cams/domeCams/DomePDF/ZCD-3000w540_CS.pdf), which is popular amongst many... you can install it is flash mount or surface mount... but also you can install as pendent and the mount from CBC is the ZC-PM1 - which is the tap hat for such configuration... The same basically applies to all the majors, going from Bosch to American Dynamics, to GE to Panasonic, CBC and few others... I have not seen what someone may call "universal" top hat pendent mount yet in the market that can offer "fix all" solution...
  10. CCTV_Suppliers

    Help me Hook up 2 checkpoint multiplexer

    UMDRanger, thanks for your confidence, I appreciate it... To answer this question correctly, which Checkpoint multiplexers are you referring to? Also, how many domes and cameras are you controlling through this VM96 Matrix Switch? You probably have the older version of the TouchTrackers that will only work with VM96 Matrix Switch... and I can tell you however that the same TouchTracker will not work with any of the newer matrix switchers from American Dynamics. Calling American Dynamics or even Checkpoint will not work... None of them have any financial responsibility or moral obligation to help... because they are not making money for an advise. Once you get back to us with the models of these multiplexers from Checkpoint, then we can determine if they will work (we have a cross reference sheet showing compatibility based on the year of manufacture)... If you have smaller switch, i.e. control of 16 domes or less, then I can suggest a much simpler solution... but again, since you are using VM96, how many domes do you control with it? Let us know and we will do our best to get you the answers.
  11. Who is the maker and the model of your dome cameras?
  12. CCTV_Suppliers

    Camera Suggestions

    Generally speaking, I do not like bullet cameras.. Without going into all the specs of this Sanyo's camera, this pup works very well... I know we can analyze specs until we turn blue, does not really mean anything unless if you used it before... and I and others used it in numerous times.. sometime experience pays some sort of dividends Here is a url for Computar IR day/night lenses that will do the trick for this camera - http://www.cbcamerica.com/cctvprod/computar/vari/index.html Decide which lens could work for you and that is it.. As for the DVR, go embedded or stand alone systems, non-windows or non-linux based... simple to use, easy to program and it very cost effective without all the bells and whistles, which most of the users do not even use.
  13. CCTV_Suppliers

    What Cameras?

    Few questions for you if I may... 1. how can you describe the lighting conditions where this camera will be pointed to? Do you have any lights and if so, how far or close? 2. IR cameras are well, work good in some cases... and it cheap and does fairly good job for most.. but if you want good quality picture with excellent color during the day and B&W during the night, then you need boxed camera with IR corrected lens and housing with heater and blower (so that if the weather changes to hot or cold or back to hot, both heater and blower in this housing will make sure that all the electronics are intact) 3. having a good camera equipment is only half of your battle... then you need good quality DVR that is easy to operate and should give you same performance record playback quality... 4. monitor - what is amazing is that many cases when we put together equipment list, nobody cares for good monitor and everyone is looking at cheap monitors.. Well, you can have the best camera equipment and the DVR, but what you feed will not be seen on the monitor... so, keep this in mind as well.. When you make the selection, it is possible to have combination of several manufacturers equipment - this way you are choosing right components from each manufacturer.. there will never be a situation that one manufacturer can provide you a complete equipment and best results... similar to how computer industry operates.. Here is the kicker - make sure everything that you purchase come with three years warranty! I am sure some of the members will have their say about this, but regardless, cover your investment with best warranty you can get and anything less than three years warranty, well there must be reasons for it..
  14. CCTV_Suppliers

    Camera Suggestions

    Looks like you have plenty of light for decent Day/Night cameras to work... IR based bullets will not give you more of anything, unless if you are pushing high end versions, which will cost you a fortune... You can have 10" outdoor housing with wall mount, heater and blower that will do this trick... and it is small enough yet ecstatically pleasing... As for camera and lens combination.. few suggestions at my end... Look at Sanyo D/N camera model #VCC-4794 that is very cost effective and delivers the goods... and IR lens, and I will recommend either Computar or Tokina... Combined with this camera and the lens, you will have very good picture quality... If you want one of the best in the market, instead of using this Sanyo model, go with Panasonic WV-CP484.. it will cost you roughly $200 more, but now you have the best of the best... well at least that is what I know. Besides having excellent picture quality, what DVR do you have in mind for this setup? If your DVR can not take advantage of such camera equipment, the whole point will be mute... Another option to keep under consideration - make sure whatever equipment that you select at the end, they all come with three years warranty - PERIOD. This way not only you are getting excellent hardware, but also very good warranty just in case.. After all, it is electronics and it is never if such hardware will fail, rather when... Let us know what you think.. and if need more info, either we can place it in this post or PM...
  15. CCTV_Suppliers

    New Member

    Kenneth, how can we be of any assistance?
  16. CCTV_Suppliers

    Forgot to add info....

    How can we help you??
  17. CCTV_Suppliers

    Wave reader

    No dumb questions in this forum The answer is NO... the wavereader is proprietary remote view software for GE Security Storesafe product line and will work only with GE DVRs... and it is not shareable with any other DVR platform...
  18. CCTV_Suppliers

    Glare from lights ruining picture...

    Which lens are you using and hope it is IR lens??... Also, how did you setup the camera? There are quite of few adjustments on this unit... Here is the url for the manual http://www.sanyosecurity.com/pdf/cctv/inst/ccd(ntsc)/vccwd8574.pdf... and there are setting that could help tremendously as long as your follow their instructions... Since you will be looking at this camera and the video that it produces, another approach will be to call Sanyo Technical support from the site and ask questions and see what they say... Their number is (888) 667-2696 It will be very difficult for anyone in this forum to give you precise step how to solve it, since it is still not clear how your had this camera setup...
  19. CCTV_Suppliers

    PTZ – Make/Model Suggestions Needed.

    Do you have any preference for a specific manufacturer some reason or another? You mention Pelco Spectra III as an example... How about the controlling mechanism? What do you prefer, local keyboard control or local control through DVR or combination of? How about remote control of the same?? There are few options available from various manufacturers... but I can be more specific if you can answer some of the questions above...
  20. CCTV_Suppliers

    Extract Data from DVR System to PC

    First off, do you know if this product is under warranty? Sanyo normal warranty for most of their products, including this one, comes with 3 years warranty.. If so, you can send this unit back to Sanyo without hard drives and once you get it back, then just plug in your drives and they will work fine. This is because Sanyo uses hard drives only to store video and the rest of the functionality is stored on flash card... Second, if for some reason this DVR is not under warranty (it will be difficult to comprehend this because this product was introduced less than 3 years ago), my suggestion is to contact Sanyo technical support at (888) 667-2696 and talk to them... These are group of very well trained professionals and I will be very surprised if they will refuse to help... Third, PM me... I may be able to get a demo of the same unit and help you to recover your video... hope
  21. CCTV_Suppliers

    8 or 4 channel

    Color and medium quality? Do you want Minidome version or just brick type or fixed type with lens?? If you want, please PM and I can give you various options...
  22. CCTV_Suppliers

    MAC and IP cameras

    Thanks man...
  23. Anyone can give us a decent technical download why MAC (Apple) will not work with most if not all IP cameras in the market?? The same for DVRs, etc... Besides obvious difference of the operating systems, is there anything else that someone can shed some light??
  24. CCTV_Suppliers

    repairing a ganz ZC-D3210PHA

    Not if you really support their product lines... I have seen them bending over backwards to accommodate many end users... and in some cases, did not even charge for out of warranty items...
  25. CCTV_Suppliers

    Sensormatic Speed Dome. Help...

    Another one is Alternative Security Systems 24414 South Main Street #202 Carson, CA 90745 Telephone/FAX (310) 522-4555 (800) 572-3390 Toll Free (310) 830-5889 - Fax...