Has anyone had any luck with using streaming protocols for a LUMA DVR?
I found a technical document here:
but the instructions for MJPG (shown below) didn't work - the webpage returned the message: --myboundary
I'm constructing a new home and will have interior and exterior cameras. the ceiling is not yet up so I have exposed trusses.
Would it be a good idea to mount square electrical boxes to the trusses for later use as a camera location? Does anyone have any other suggestions that might work better?
Similar for the exterior locations?
Hey all, I have an 'interview room' sort of situation where the interviewer wants to be able to start and stop recording with a switch or pushbutton and would like to have some sort of visual indicator to show the status.
The camera will have digital input and digital output ports and I'm working with a Milestone system, so I plan on configuring a rule so that when the DI is activated, the system will begin recording and also set the digital output to power an LED for the visual indicator. When the DI is deactivated, recording will stop and the DO will be reset.
Can anyone suggest a switch and LED combination that would look halfway decent on a desk?
I'd prefer a locking pushbutton, but a toggle switch would do.
Hey all, hope this is the right section...
Every few days, one particular camera on my Toshiba DVR will show blank on my remote monitoring software and also on the monitor at the DVR.
The signal comes from the camera through a balun, then over a CAT-5 twisted pair, through a receiving balun, then a barrel connector, a short patch coax, then into the DVR.
I find that if I disconnect the receiving balun from the barrel connector and plug it into my GANZ PSM-02 COLOUR PORTABLE SERICE MONITOR, I almost always immediately see a clear signal on Ganz - or at most have to flip the unit on and off a couple of times.
Then, when I reconnect the receiving balun and the barrel connector, the signal is good to go for another couple of days at the DVR.
I've replaced the receiving balun several times, but this behavior always reoccurs.
Any thoughts? Thanks!