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Everything posted by draku

  1. draku

    Generic DVR password reset

    on the page https://download.chinavasion.com/Others there are two programs (CalculateCode.exe and codecalculator_2.exe) that generate passwords (superpassword)
  2. draku

    Generic DVR password reset

    never mind I solved the problem on the page https://download.chinavasion.com/Others there are two programs (CalculateCode.exe and codecalculator_2.exe) that generate passwords (superpassword) success!
  3. draku

    Generic DVR password reset

    hi I need help with a generic chinese DVR (8 channel, no buttons on the front or back panel) AKU H264 DVR model AK2007 It has a single user (admin) I forgot the password I tried all passwords written on this topic to reset to the default password, but no luck Does anyone have any other ideas how to acces dvr? Thank you