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Everything posted by siyadali

  1. The interconnection! I just took one of the Poe1 24 port and connected to one of the other Poe2 24 ports. As for the NVR connection I connected them from POE gigabit ports. Any Problem with that connection?
  2. Hi everyone need your technical advise. I have an IP camera located at a distance of 400ft away and I want to run CAT6 cable. I have powered the camera locally from nearby power source with adopter. So my question is, is it possible for the video to run normal without using repeater every 90m? Or is this must follow rule regardless of power?
  3. Here's the part number of the switch DGS-1210-28P
  4. M using D-Link switch! Unmanaged POE seotch 24 port 2 pcs total cameras 42 pcs so basically each Poe carries above 20 cameras and each camera is 4MP. And Poe is megabit! U think it's the Poe?? Causing the lagging?
  5. Thank u guys ur views were valid....I was busy setting up the cameras for the last two weeks and u were right some of the cameras worked beyond the 100m limit and some didn't specially PTZ ones. Now I have set up all I have one minor issue which is lagging (freezing upto 5sec.) then works fine for 20sec. Then again lagging! Any ideas what could cause? I have tried basic troubleshoot like using Extenteders.
  6. Ssmith, I will check it out. My camera supplier is advising me it won't run more than 90m unless I ise repeater. Wether I need Poe power or video only. I will let u know how it goes Thanks
  7. Ssmith, does that mean it possible to run it that distance?? With ip camera?