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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. Mikey

    Standard to Hybrid IR

    I have a CNB 4815 and I need to change to the CNB 4810 which has a longer range varifocul lens. Other than the lens and the large increase in price, two things change on the camera. Some kind of filter called ICR2 for improved nite imaging and the LED's change from 56 standard 15 and 30 degree to 12 Hybrid. I am happy with the IR performance on the standard IR , what can I expect when the unit changes to hybrid LEDS.
  2. Mikey

    Standard to Hybrid IR

    Hmmm. My camera cnb 4815 already has ICR but the CNB 4810 has an improved ICR2. You are saying that ICR2 kicks butt. What about the diff between standard 56 leds and 12 Hybrid leds.
  3. I have an Aapro 3014 DVR connected to a CNB IR camera. Its real simple, if I was to look at my image on my 13 inch sony monitor connected via monitor jack on the dvr, it looks good. When I view the live image via ethernet connection my quality is degraded. Tech in Aapro Korea states that image quality will reduce when viewing via ethernet. What I cant deal with is , even if I save the image to the SD card and carry to view on Pc it still does not look as good, or to be more specific it is darker than what the camera s giving the DVR. Any experience with this, Is this to be expected.
  4. Thanks Rory, If I would have known that I would have never spent the bucks on a standalone DVR. I picked a standalone assuming a proprietery system would be superior and so it would be independant of my pc and some of the problems that pc's can have such as virus's or my kids screwing it up. I am trying my hardest to get facial recognition in the night and have so many obstacles to overcome. I have also found out that one of reasons I cant zoom in on an already captured image to get facial recognition is because I have my camera set to wide. In order to cover the necessary area and be able to expand or zoom an already captured image I will need another camera.