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  1. trish

    farm install

    No I haven't. If the distance is 100 feet I have an extender in between the router and the cameras.. Other than that...I watch at night and during the day in the barn. Dlink has some nice P2P cameras and I have generic ones as well. If you google barn cams you can find some really good ones. http://trailereyes.com/ is one.
  2. trish

    farm install

    I have a barn and farm and installed wireless p2p cameras that can be accessed from PC or smartphone.
  3. trish


    I am trying to find out a DVR system that is compatible with Swann cameras i.e. SWPRO640 camera. I had a Swann 2550 surveillance DVR that fried. I don't want to spend that kind of money again so I'm looking for a generic dvr system that would work with the swann cameras. The reason is the cameras are already mounted outside my home. Thanks.