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Everything posted by GutterGobbler

  1. Would anyone happen to know if I was to connect a WIFI enabled Action Camera to my cell/mobile phone to view live footage what kind of distance would the action camera need to be within my phone so the stream works?
  2. GutterGobbler

    Could anyone help me?

    Tom I dont know much about action cameras like GoPro, but I have been having a look on the net. Basically if I get the GoPro I take it I can use my android mobile phone to view the live footage?
  3. GutterGobbler

    Could anyone help me?

    Please could someone help me with this question. I need a camera attached to the top of a 10 meter pole. I will be holding the pole to inspect roofs. At the bottom of the pole I hope to have a small battery powered monitor to view the roof. Ideally I would like to photograph the roof or take a video. Is there a CCTV camera and monitor that would power the camera and would allow me to do this? I wont have access to an internet hub as I would be working at a clients house. I was thinking a CCTV test monitor might be a good idea but no sure if there is something better. Cheers
  4. GutterGobbler

    Could anyone help me?

    Hi Tom thanks for the info the pole I plan to connect to is basically a vacuum cleaning pole, as when I am inspecting using the live camera I will be cleaning debris from the roof and gutter space. If I get the GoPro camera what monitor would it connect to? Many thanks This picture will give you an idea of what I am trying to achieve. http://www.bollington-tc.gov.uk/uploads/IMG_2537.jpg