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Everything posted by Klickit

  1. I have a couple of Javelin cameras with a Genlock type connector. Anyone know where I can get the pin out data for the connector? All I really need is the +12vdc, ground and the video pin.
  2. Anyone know where I can get a manual for this particular multiplexer. I have figured out the basics of it but don't understand how to properly connect the digital recorder, what "Spot" is and some other things. Even a brochure describing the cabablities would be helpful. I have several years experience in electronics but am new to the CCTV business.
  3. I just talked to Tony and he indicated he would ship the manual out to me. Very nice guy. Thank you so much for your help. I just installed my first system in a friends home using that multiplexer and everything worked perfectly the first time. The manual will be very helpful to him as he is not techically inclined.
  4. Well I have given these guys almost 2 weeks and have heard nothing from them. Can someone help me get this manual?
  5. Good to know. I will give them a couple days.
  6. Thanks. To early too call so I sent them an Email with my request. I'll try to call later today if I get no reply. I just found this group yesterday and it looks like a great source of information for CCTV and help from friendly folks. I'm looking forward to being a part of this forum. I'll let you know if they come through with the manual.