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Everything posted by GMAN12

  1. New guy here. Would I have any problem going to a 50' ethernet cable? Where is a good place to buy one? What type of cable would I need? This is the only thing stopping me from placing my system where I want it. I have a Swann #88075 pro HD system. I talked to Swann and they don't have anything like that. Thanks for any help.
  2. GMAN12

    Ethernet Cable?

    Thanks tomcctv for all of the help. Those Netgear gizmo's worked great so far. I got everything moved and it works, really simple. Makes me feel like an electronics expert
  3. GMAN12

    Ethernet Cable?

    Yep, I have my router in 1 room and DVR in another, I just need an ethernet connection between them. So, will the netgear work? Thanks
  4. GMAN12

    Ethernet Cable?

    I have no idea what you are talking about, that's why I'm here, looking for help. Thanks
  5. GMAN12

    Ethernet Cable?

    Just went back and read the tech. specs, 2-6' cables included. Thanks, you're a lifesaver. I will order them and then probably have more questions, but really, Thanks for your help.
  6. GMAN12

    Ethernet Cable?

    So, I just need 2 of those and 1 more cable?
  7. GMAN12

    Ethernet Cable?

    Man, I'm totally illiterate when it comes to this stuff, that's why I joined this forum. I need to move my DVR to another room (approx 40') from my router, Would this gizmo work for that? Thanks for the help, really appreciate it.