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Everything posted by unclesalty

  1. Hello I am new to cctv systems, I just purchased a chance-i 120n16 card from one of my computer wholesalers. The card installed fine and works great. My problem is setting up the remote viewer, I cant get it to work at all. My distributer has no clue but sent me to chance-i where Ive been playing phone tag with my rep for 3 days. Does anyone here have any experience with setting this up? I do have a dynamic ip and am using software to let me know my ip as it changes. I tried both the server and tcp settings. Ive opened the ports on the router and nothing. I cant connect on the network or over the web. Brian I originally was using a geo 650 installed by a local company that had installed at least 15 systems locally and that everyone seemed pleased with. Toward the end of my instalation they (the company) disapeared. I had a working system with 7 of 16 cameras that did work over the web, Turns out the geo card and the copy of windows are counterfeit. At least I hadnt paid in full...
  2. unclesalty

    chance-i 120n16 help

    I got it figured out, Talk about a rookie mistake. I had port 80 on the router open to the wrong ip addy. I dont know how many times I looked at it, without realizing the error. This card now works great I can view my setup anywhere, The software does not need special software for viewing or reviewing security footage, Just the ip and password. I like the software and the feature set of the chance i card. it may not be suitable for the power user but is just enough features and is dead easy to set up. Tech support was great once we connected. Try it out if you get the chance.
  3. unclesalty

    chance-i 120n16 help

    Is anybody using these chance-i products? The interface is great, they work with ip cameras as well as hard wired cameras and except for the web viewer they are dead easy to configure. Setting this up was childs play compared to the geovision. Im still waiting for someone from corporate tech support to call me back. Oh well the price was too good to pass up and I can still rma it back to my supplier if it doesnt work out.