I have a Qsee QT428 and I have tried all sorts of settings in Blue Iris version x64. I cannot get a connection to work. I have BI working with my Reolink and Foscam cameras just fine.
Anyone know where I can get settings for the QT428? I connect via the web browser on port 83. Here are the results of the Find/Inspect button in BI:
Opening port 83...
HTTP Get / request...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
HTTP 404
Opening port 8999...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
HTTP 12029
Checking for common cameras...
Foscam FI86xx/98xx compatible?
Foscam FI89xx compatible?
Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible?
Foscam FI9821 media port compatible?
RTSP port open?
RTSP port detected!