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Everything posted by tracker468

  1. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    Hey, I have a brand x dvr all it says on the manual is Digital Video Multiplex Recorder - 4ch stand alone dvr. I am trying to view the images on a pc but am having no luck. I have discovered that the images are in little endian format but extraction of a couple have been useless. I am now thinking that it is stored as one large motion jpeg would this be the correct line of thinking. What I am after is some software that will either convert the files or play them . any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    cctvmeister, that would be awesome if you could email: tracker468@gmail.com
  3. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    I have started to rebuild them manually, but thanks for helping. One other question I was expecting a timestamp on the images is this projected to the screen rather than stored in the file?
  4. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    It doesn't have a lan connection it is very much standalone. Unfortunately I cannot view the images using the dvr so I am trying it through a computer. I can see them as hex on the HDD but they are stored little endian format. Is there any software you guys know of that can view the images in this format.
  5. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    I have added a photo of the pcb to my photobucket account Hope this helps
  6. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    okay I cant post urls so I will try this. I have put an image on photobucket of the dvr. If you goto photobucket dot com and do a search for tracker468 you will be able to access the album. I tried to post the image here but the forum wouldn't let me
  7. tracker468

    Help with DVR

    The only serial number is A400512 The format of the files appears to be jpeg but like I said it is little endian format. I will try and post some pictures. There is really no unique markings other than the serial or model