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Everything posted by rt050

  1. Hi All, So I've had an existing set-up running for a while now with mostly Hikvision dome cameras into a Dahua NVR. At the time of install the Dahua cameras were quite difficult to get, only available from US and on ebay (not the best if they break). So decided to install Hikvision using ONVIF. Great! I've started to notice, and have reports of the footage having pauses every so often. I could probably live with this but this is for a busy bar and we have about 25 or so Hikvision cameras running over 2 Dahua NVRs. Of course fast forward today, there's lots of Dahua cameras available to buy. Anyway, has anybody had this issue (screenshot below) and any pointers in fixing it? Other than buying all new cameras or a Hikvision NVR, which I don't want to do. Thanks in advance.
  2. Yep. I agree but a few years ago, there wasn't many Dahua cameras available in the UK at a decent price to buy in bulk. I picked the job off an electrician who had already bought the NVR. The green bar you can see if 40 mins actually. This is happening on all Hikvision cameras...
  3. Hi there, I have a quick question regarding port forwarding for a Dahua DVR. I have set-up port forwarding for users to view the CCTV on their mobiles and forwarding the corresponding ports. However, I was thinking the other day and wanted to set-up so I can view remotely via a browser too. So I forwarded external port 37777 to internal port 80 to the DVR unit. So via WAN I can get as far as the login page but it then gives me a message 'Login Failed'. I'm assuming this is a security issue. So a few details, I have a static IP reservation for the DVR set on the firewall so no internal IP conflicts. I can access the DVR internally on the network and via mobile phone app just not externally via web browser. So far I have forwarded ports - External 37777 (tcp) - internal port 80 on External 37778 (udp) - internal port 80 on External 37777 (tcp) - internal 37777 on External 37778 (udp) - internal 37778 on External 554 (tcp & udp) - internal 554 on External 161 (tcp) - internal 161 on External 443 - internal 443 on Is this correct? I can't for the life of me work out what I'm doing wrong here! I have another DVR on the network, via completely seperate ports (alien dvr) and forwarded it to it's internal ip on port 80 and it works fine. But a completely different system I gues. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance!!