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  1. Chris_Lambourne

    Zmodo network cameras with Escam NVR or similer?

    This is due to the latest firmware update Zmodo decided we needed Check the maintenance tab of the settings, get the firmware (software) version. You will then need to contact Zmodo for a previous version. Good luck with that. They are about as useful a glass hammer. This may help too ... bN8nV1WL5zY
  2. Chris_Lambourne

    Need a product recomendation

    I would also recommend staying clear of Zmodo, from personal experience. They look good, but plagued with problems and lack of support. I am now building my own, that way, if something goes wrong - I am in control.
  3. Choosing Zmodo for my CCTV system was by far the worst mistake of my life. Quickly followed by a year of frustration, problems, faults without any customer support. The final straw was for the cameras and network video recorder (NVR) to update to the latest firmware. This left me not being able to view live or recorded footage locally on my PC anymore. After checking the internet forums, it appeared everyone was in the same boat. Zmodo have decided that all customers should now record to their cloud instead. The latest update stops from accessing any local recordings, and forces you to use the cloud service. Unfortunately, despite the firmware update being rolled out, the cloud service is not yet available. In other words, it leaves customers without the ability to access their live and/or recorded video footage. I posted a comment in their Zmodo support forum stating my displeasure at the predicament they have left their customer base in. There response was not what i expected. They blocked my account and deleted my posts I am now left with 9 cameras, an NVR and months of recordings that I cannot access. I am now in the process of uninstalling all Zmodo equipment. I am hoping that this message prevents anyone else from falling fowl of Zmodo bN8nV1WL5zY