Hi Guys
I have this camera http://tecvoz.com.br/website/produtos/produto-detalhe.aspx?produto=177&categoria=2&cmpCampo=&cmpComparar=&cmpOrdenar=&cmpBusca=THK-ICC13IR&act=busca&page=
THK-ICC13IR from Tecvoz - and looks like this camera is an OEM from Hikvision camera
But TecVoz firmeware is little bit old
THK-ICC13IR(W)5.2.0 (20.07.2015)
Tried to flash directly the Hikvion cap, but it fails not even start.
There is anychance to crossflash and restore my oem model to original Hikvision, with the most updated firmware and software and etc etc etc ?
Thx in Advance