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  1. Pauld75

    Night Vision Problems

    If you can - bring the cameras inside for a few hours and then test them inside. I sent you a PM as I had the same issue
  2. Pauld75

    No IR Working

    Thanks. Its a bit strange why the manufacturer would include a power adapter that isnt suitable? I have hooked up a spare camera and this works fine. Its not installed high up in my house like the other 3 cameras are but would height matter in this case? What amperage of power adapter would be ideal? ****EDIT**** the supplier has replied to an email I sent them and they said this batch of cameras are faulty as the cold temperature stops the IR from working. It was 2 degrees celsius here lastnight! Has anyone ever heard of the 'cold' stopping IR?
  3. Hi - the picture is fine during the day but at night the red lights on the camera are not on. On the DVR the IR button is not on. Any ideas what could be the issue? This is for all 3 cameras I got installed. Thanks
  4. Pauld75

    CCTV DVR to TV?

    Thank you. Would this be a HDMI extender for both devices. So one plugged into the dvr then running a cat 6 cable up to another extender which is plugged into the TV?
  5. Hi, I'm setting up a new CCTV system shortly. My TV sits downstairs but I'd want to put my dvr upstairs incase a thief steals it (God forbid they break in). It will also be next to my router which sits in my bedroom. I want it connected to the TV downstairs as my wife is alone in the house a few nights a week and if anyone rings the doorbell she could check the TV and see who it is before opening the front door. I see that dvr's connect to TV's with hdmi. Is my only option to buy a huge hdmi cable and run it up to the bedroom the dvr will be kept in? How big do hdmi's get as I'd probably need 30 meters! Thanks