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  1. Allready done that in 4 splitt, it help's becouse it only show camera in 640x480, but even then it's not going smooth. In use in full picture the super high option will be 2 bad quality.
  2. I have installed 3 different milestone essential, on 3 different places. There a forth place the system is administated from. All cameras are 1080p. When using the smart client locally everything works great, but when using it over internet it seems like smart client don't use the bandwith it needs for playing video smooth. It skips frames and won't play smooth. At first i thought this was a bandwith problem, too slow up line. Two of the milestone's have 4mbp/s upload, but when i tested on last milestone with 50mbp/s out and i tested it on a place with 30mbp/s in i started checking more. What i found out was when using a vu meter to check download. it did not use bandwith at all and it was jumping up and down. every time bandwith went down picture freezed on the playback. Why won't it play smooth over internet, is this a bug. Someone who use milestone over internet. Over mobile works good.
  3. theblast

    Text overlay client

    Looks dangerously alike the one from geovision, problem there are capture box is not made for capturing from network. But i think i maybe can fix this with pos capture boxes, if i change cashregister to use printer, beecouse the logfile was not in use. The question is then, is it possible to connect a capture box with cable in, but not out, or will the cash register get error for not finding printer. Also got info about how fetch pos info thru tcp. Has to test this first!
  4. theblast

    Text overlay client

    you know where to get a text inserter for around $100, cheapest i found did cost $400, get expensiv after 8 pcs.
  5. Most streaming on different dvr especially standalones got a limit on how many users who can connect at the same time. What i wonder about is how 2 get a dvr 2 stream to a client and futher stream automaticly one of the cameras to a webpage? Or what do people do for getting livefeed on a webpage.
  6. theblast

    Pos on Geovision

    Can geovision fetch out info from a log file, instead of using the printer ascii you normally use on geovision pos system!
  7. Hi, got trouble with finding a good solution for putting pos info on a dvr with no pos function. There are a text file on a pos server who i need to read info from an put on screen in front of camera picture. So i just wondered if it's possible to set up a client with capture card with 8 ch and a card with just as many ch video out, but not loop exactly loop thru. In the client i wondered about making or getting a software where the video is compressed into the software, log file is shared on network and software is capturing the text out of the logfile and set a text overlay over the video. When text overlay is on video, it sent out the video out ports. Then the picture is finished with video overlay of pos info almost realtime when it reach the dvr! Someone who have a any experience with something like this, and now if this is gonna work, what equipment 2 use or if it's some other solution for this?