Hello guys!
I am brand new to video recording, surveilance and cameras in general! (And the forum) Treat me as if I knew nothing! (Cause, I know nothing. )
So my uncle has a problem, a 4000$ problem, he has asked me for help with, because I study computer science. (So obviously I know everything - well I don't! That's why I am here!)
My uncle is a chairman for a local shooting range, and they wish to monitor the targets. A company has offered to set up a complete system for 4000$, which is waaaay to much (He thinks). So - can it be done cheaper, and, how?
Here's the setup:
Four people are able to shoot at a time. Each need a monitor, so they are able to see preciesly where they are hitting their targets. (If they are hitting at all. )
Each target is located in a box, where mounting a camera top-down would be possible. Here is a side view: (Awesome mspaint-job)
There is a commonroom, where he'd like a big monitor able to swtich between the four ranges.
So I was thinking:
One 1080p IP camera connected to a laptop at each shooting station. Run four HDMI cables to the commonroom, and change view depending on which hdmi was inserted in the big monitor. (I am thinking a 49" cheap 720pTV or some sorts.)
This is a cheap way to do it, but not very elegant.
Any chance one of you smarter people have a more elegant way, and advice on which camera to use?
Like connect all the cameras to one pc - and distributing to a monitor at each station + commonroom?
The camera needs a good field of view, so the shooter can see the entire target - as per the image above.
Many thanks in advance!