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  1. Brenda: Check your private messages.
  2. ddisher

    What are the odds?

    There are a number of good cameras that can handle this. Look for a "traffic control" camera. These cameras have a very high shutter speed, and if you are using a good Geo card, at 30 fps, you should be able to get what you are looking for. There is a camera series called Pro7 and Pro8, but they are not cheap. You are looking in the range of 800$ USD. They are IR, weatherproof, and have a myriad of different settings that can allow you to get your shot...vehicle speeds from 0-60+ mph. Good Luck, Ddisher
  3. ddisher

    Genuine geovision card?

    Call 703-222-4666. Give them the serial number on the card. They should be able to tell you if the card is authentic. regards, ddisher
  4. ddisher

    GV-Net/PTZ Setup issue

    Make sure your baud rates are set properly. David Disher Advanced Digital Security, Inc.
  5. ddisher

    GV 1480 and camera video lines (resolution)

    What I have found is that the determining factor for max quality of camera, whatever the res, is the Screen resolution you set for display. The H264 is the highest compression you can use in later versions, so if you are in the 7.0 region of software, its not available. Setting res to 720x480 area should allow you to get the max quality from your cameras. The mixing of different resloution cameras isnt a factor. Regards, David Disher Advanced Digital Security, Inc.
  6. If you are making changes to GEO software, and have a multiple user config with Windows, you MUST be in the windows admin user in order to make changes that will stick. If you do in in non-admin, they seldom stay, and will require reconfig when you reboot. Hope this helps. Regards, David Disher Advanced Digital Security, Inc.
  7. ddisher

    Geovision - remote play back is to fast

    Yes: Activate/install Remote PLayback Server, and use that program to download any video remotely. It solves the fast playback problem. The program is available on your install disk. Regards, David Disher President Advanced Digital Security, Inc. DAyton Ohio