I have installed a KARE Smart 4CH HDMI 1080N DVR CCTV System which comes with 2 Dome and 2 Bullet cameras very simple and basic with 10 mtr cables with pre-moulded plugs that I have run off to the 4 cameras.
Plugged in and all worked fine, however when dark two of the cameras did not switch on IR, I unplugged one of them and plugged it in direct to the power splitter and it worked fine, I then plugged it back in outside at end of the power cable and it started working perfect, I did this for the 2nd camera and all was good once they start to work they switch on/off perfect.
2nd night the cameras failed to switch on again in fact only one of the four worked so by just unplugging them and moving them about and plugging them in they would start to work. This kind of thing happened the following evening.
I have tested the power at the end of the cable and have 12v 3 amps, in fact on one of the cameras that was not working I actually took a separate power supply to it plugged it in to this and it still would not turn the IR on until i demounted it and moved it around.
So I am wondering is there any power/static condition that can cause the light sensor to cease up in a weird way.
I have no knowledge of CCTV just bought this kit and plugged it in I am hoping someone can say this is a common issue and what the cure may be. I am about to send the cameras back to the retailer as things stand for an exchange.
Right ok got you,
I presume there are different types RG59, will the following be up to the job.
Thanks very much for your help.
Well they all now have their own dedicated power feed on 0.5mm cable and 3 out of the 4 still don't work but strangely if they get turned off while its light for a short period then that night they will switch on fine but the following night they wont, I'll send these back for an exchange just wanted to update this in case anyone else if having s similar issue.
Yes OK I think you may well be right and thanks for the advise on what to use, the only question is why would it not initially work when I plugged it into an external power source that I took to the camera itself.