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Everything posted by thewireguys

  1. Very easy to do with a hybrid-DVR.... Not as easy with just a DVR. What manufacture IP camera do you have.
  2. thewireguys

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    704, 740, not much diff, point is the acti is far from 4x the resolution, not even twice. D1 704 x 480 = 337,920 1.3MP 1280(H) x 1024(V) = 1,310,720 1,310,720/337,920 = 3.88X more pixels
  3. thewireguys

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    No, max 740x480 I was comparing the cameras live resolution though, total image pixels, not the recording. So how you gonna play back that image? Isn't that the important part.
  4. thewireguys

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    Yeah but how much does a POE switch/router cost? Who cares The point I was making is the camera was powered by POE. Lets do a simple test. Show people the image from a 1.3MP camera and a image from a analog D1. Guess what image everyone but Rory is gonna choose
  5. thewireguys

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    But they only record at max 704 x 480.
  6. thewireguys

    ACTi ACM-1231 Review

    Plus everything is powered with POE.
  7. Call Axis support they are very good.
  8. thewireguys

    Question about setting up a camera system

    Axis also has a HD camera with component video output if that works better for you. http://www.axis.com/files/datasheet/ds_q1755_q1755e_37031_en_1004_lo.pdf
  9. thewireguys

    Jack Liu give u more

    Ok this guy is funny " title="Applause" />
  10. thewireguys

    ACTi 1231 WITH bracket $500

    Let me guess... You have someone in mind?
  11. thewireguys

    This is our trade

    I totally agree and have moved most of my help to the private forums.... I do enjoy talking to people in the field and sharing information but like I said before I don't see Cisco guys giving free info out.
  12. thewireguys

    free remote streaming SW

    Well port 80 is open because you can see the web interface but the ports for the video are not.... your gonna have to find the manual and see which ports need to be opened
  13. thewireguys

    FS Megapixel cameras

  14. thewireguys

    free remote streaming SW

    Check to make sure you have all of correct ports opened and forwarded on your router.
  15. thewireguys

    ACTi 1231 WITH bracket $500

    I have 3 NEW and 1 USED forsale. $400 NEW and $350 USED + SHIPPING
  16. thewireguys

    Outdoor Camera Housing Question

    I would say if the housing was designed to be sealed seal it if it was vented vent it..... I would not put a box camera in a vented housing but that is just me. I use Videolarm and Dotworkz housings and none of them are vented.
  17. thewireguys

    IP Camera Problems

    Well mobotix is the only solution that uses NVR software to view view from NAS devices other then that any DVR software is better then searching though folders.
  18. Axis has a great calculator with example videos.
  19. thewireguys

    Return to JPG.....

    What about bandwidth? how are you going to stream 30 5MP cameras at Mjpeg? your going back into time doesn't make any sense? My cellphone has a 1G processor and has a 8 MP camera with 720P. Give me better resolution, better analytics, and better compression at the edge.
  20. thewireguys

    Outdoor Camera Housing Question

    Sounds like you made a nice place for Bee's to live!!! The housings I use are air tight with heaters and blowers.... I use good housings for IP cameras stay away from the cheap stuff.
  21. thewireguys

    Help me with choose server for ip setup

    http://www.pivot3.com/ Take a look at Pivot3
  22. The normal Arecont MP lenses are not recommended for the 10MP camera. I have a list that is approved but they are not cheap. Also please do not post dealer pricing.
  23. thewireguys

    IP Camera Problems

    Recording directly to a NAS is very convenient but don't tell me you have to search though folders to see the images or video. Customers do not want this and there are better solutions available.
  24. thewireguys

    Jack Liu give u more
