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Everything posted by thewireguys

  1. thewireguys

    Little input on wireless system design, please...

    Ok.... Still dont expect reliability If it was a big open room I would say go for it but in a large house your gonna have trouble. Just tell the customer it might work 99% of the time.
  2. Also check out the Q1755 from axis
  3. thewireguys

    Little input on wireless system design, please...

    I would stay away from indoor wireless if you want reliability.
  4. thewireguys

    Little input on wireless system design, please...

    Old house you say What are the walls made of?
  5. The Q24 and the 212 will not do what you want. Look at Axis, Arecont, and Sanyo HD/megapixel dome cameras. Axis has a HD dome with remote zoom and focus. You could have the camera automatically zoom in when someone puts money on the counter and zoom out for the overall shot. http://www.axis.com/files/datasheet/ds_p33_37032_en_1005_lo.pdf
  6. http://www.isscctv.com/ I have seen a demo is this software but I have never used it.
  7. Yes most Axis cameras you can change the lens..... What Axis camera to you have? Have you looked into the P1346 a 3MP camera?
  8. http://www.arecontvision.com/index.php?section=product&subsection=product_details&product_id=39 1/2.7” CMOS Sensor on this camera
  9. thewireguys

    LPR Cam

    I would use Axis P1346 http://ipconfigure.com/p_licenseplate.html
  10. Rory how do I PM you?
  11. thewireguys

    Lens suggestions?

    Theia has some recommend housings on there website that work with the lens
  12. Let me look around I might still have a demo of mx control center with recorded video I could send you to try.
  13. Yea not even close
  14. I would use the Arecont 3130 with some IR. Mobotix is very good but it is more of a closed solution and the software is not the easiest to use.
  15. Arecont 3135 and Mobotix m12 very good. Axis, Arecont, Mobotix, Panasonic, Sanyo all have true day night megapixel ip cameras. Yes you will need ir or white light in areas with little or no light.
  16. thewireguys

    Wireless security systems

    The window and dooor switches will last years but motions/glass breaks will need to be changed sooner. This is based off my experience with the DSC systems.
  17. I wouldn't use anything less then 100mb network
  18. thewireguys

    Wireless security systems

    I have installed many DSC wireless systems and they work very well. We would wire the motions and use wireless for the doors and windows. The wireless motions eat batteries.
  19. http://www.arecontvision.com/uploads/product_images/38Arecont_Vision_AV10005_0410pdf.pdf Anybody have clips yet?
  20. thewireguys

    Exacq and POS

    Acti have on camera motion detection
  21. thewireguys

    Exacq and POS

    yes it is a mega pixel camera with audio.... Just saying I know it works with audio. From Exacqs web site: Notes: - Audio supported in all Axis, ACTi and Sony IP cameras and encoders
  22. Rory the color Panny looks the same as your jeep image.
  23. thewireguys

    NVR software HELP

    I will be very soon I have been talking to them daily
  24. thewireguys

    Exacq and POS

    I have used Acti 4201 without without any problems. I also know Axis encoder also work.