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Everything posted by thewireguys

  1. Man I thought people would be interested in this.
  2. The Axis decoder only works with Axis cameras. Hook up a computer to the monitor and you are done.
  3. I would stay away from consumer grade products if you want a reliable system and do a site survey!!!!! Take a look at www.firetide.com
  4. exacqVision? Pretty much anything, including mobile phones. Best, Christopher Exacq works with everything!!! Windows, Linux, Mac
  5. thewireguys

    CNB VBM-24VF

    CNB also has new cameras with intelligent IR..... I would post a link but their site is down. www.cnbtec.com
  6. thewireguys


    Yea there are way better options out there for IP cameras then Cisco products. I think they are getting in bed with Pelco but that isn't going to help because Pelco still hasn't fingered out how to make a good IP camera yet. Tell Cisco to stick with routers and switches.
  7. thewireguys

    Video over powerline options

    http://www.aboundi.com/ I have used them for Ethernet over power-line. They work very well
  8. thewireguys


    You don't need any software to view the camera you can just long into the web interface. You just have to setup port forwarding on your router for remote access.
  9. I would stay away from cameras that have built-in wireless. I would recommend wiring all of the cameras in the club house to a switch and then use a point to point wireless link back to the main building. Keep in ming you will have the best results if you have line of site. I would stay away from Cisco cameras their are much better options but they do make great switches and routers.
  10. You can make any IP camera wireless with a AP.
  11. http://www.mobotix.com/region/index/
  12. thewireguys

    CCTV in Car?

    Yes we do a lot of mobile DVRs for police and buses. Our system lets us do remote live streaming with GPS with local recording.
  13. That switch has a PoE Budget of 100W. I have used that switch with ACTI and Arecont cameras without issues. What are the make and model cameras you are using?
  14. Going by his lux meter, a KT&C BW Exview Bullet will not be challenged at all, in fact, a True Day Night Bullet should work great also, even a non Exview BW Bullet. In Security the goal is to get the image. He can continue to worry about why this camera wont get it, count the F stops and on and on, or spend a couple little dollars and put the correct camera in for the job. Ofcourse if one is concerned about the glare from the entrance, then one would not point the camera at that to begin with. Rory I have to disagree with you here. A Exview will do alot better with this scene but with all of the lighting behind the object you have a hard time getting details from from the person if they are walking around in the garage. Not you mention you will have a quarter of the resolution to work with. To get the results you want add a IR illumination for the Mobotix camera or switch it out to multiple low light analog cameras.
  15. thewireguys

    hello from Pa

    What Part of PA?
  16. Digitaltrader you gave me the lux ratings of the camera just so you know Mobotix have a built in LUX meter if you could please post the reading for us. Also just so you know Megapixel cameras are not the best in low light without IR (the oen you have is one of the best). You scene is very difficult because all of the light is in-front of the camera. Your gonna need IR illumination to get the results that you are looking for.
  17. What is the lux reading on the camera?
  18. thewireguys

    The economy is so bad that......

    Nice " title="Applause" />
  19. Static IP all the way
  20. thewireguys

    Looking for Good CCTV

    Absolutly correct!!!!
  21. thewireguys

    XP Pro

    Teamviewer now supports Linux
  22. thewireguys

    XP Pro

    I get my stuff from newegg but now they are charging $189.00 for a copy of XP Pro. Last week it was $159.00 what a joke FU Microsoft. Anyone know where we can get better pricing?