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Everything posted by thewireguys

  1. thewireguys

    Exacq Costs

    Huh? This has nothing to do with the software upgrade fees and why are you always trying to circumvent the VMS manufactures SLA?
  2. Why not check their demo videos..... https://exacq.com/support/videolibrary.html Still images: http://www.seribox.co.za/
  3. thewireguys

    Alltronix Power Supply issues

    Could you post a couple of images of the can and board inside?
  4. thewireguys

    Alltronix Power Supply issues

    Maybe their is a reason it was forsale on EBAY
  5. thewireguys

    NEW Arecont Cameras FORSALE

    Why do these things come up when I don't have any money?! I take credit cards if that helps
  6. thewireguys

    Frame Rate Question

    IPS = FPS same thing.
  7. thewireguys

    Frame Rate Question

    D1 is resolution 720x480 which is the max you can get out of analog solution. On your TV at home your probably watching 720P(1280x720 or 1080P (1920x1080) Frames per second (FPS) has nothing to so with image quality. Have a look a the link below and you can see frame rate recording comparisons. http://www.panasonic.com/business/security/demos/PSS-recording-rates.html
  8. thewireguys

    Battery based 12v system

    ^^ 80Watts just for the DVR
  9. That is exactly my point these quick reviews do not tell the full story. You have to use the VMS for a couple of months to fully understand them. FYI 4.9 was not improved... they adding a thumbnail search which did nothing to fix the speed at which you can review video. You still have to wait for the video to be pulled from the server to the client which takes forever!
  10. thewireguys

    Battery based 12v system

    Don't forget to add in the cost of the extra batteries and solar panels for the mobile dvr/cameras this might negate the price for Mobotix plus you have much higher resolution .
  11. thewireguys

    Battery based 12v system

    Interesting project. I don't know what your budget is but if your looking for the most efficient solution I would have a look at Mobotix. The DVR is built into the camera and each camera only draws 4W. If your looking for a low res analog solution I would recommend mobile DVRs because they are designed to run on 12VDC but you will be drawing more power with a DVR + analog cameras then a Mobotix solution. http://www.mobotix.com/eng_US/content/view/full/4648
  12. Here is their Onvif firmware>>> http://www.vivotek.com/downloads/downloads.php?kind=firmwareonvif I have been told Vivotek isn't the easiest manufacture to work with when I comes to integrating cameras with VMS. From what I was told every camera is different unlike Axis where the API basically works with every camera they have. Look at the list for Vivotek every camera has a different version of Onvif firmware
  13. LOL you need to use the Panasonic calculator. Switching VMS is not going to change the compression from the cameras. If you want to see if you can get better compression switch cameras.
  14. Add to that searching video is slow as molasses and you have two major issues most people don't realize until have the system.
  15. I would say Vivotek doesn't play nice with Avigilon.
  16. This is the problem with Onvif. How do we know which one isn't fully compliant? What version of Onvif does Vivotek use?
  17. thewireguys

    Exacq Costs

    $150 per license plus $25 a year
  18. thewireguys

    NEW Arecont Cameras FORSALE

    BUMP $850 shipped for everything!!!
  19. What manufacture's cameras or encoders are you planing on using? What ever manufacture you plan to use that would be the calculator I would recommend you use.
  20. So is that the software you posted the screen shot of?
  21. I try and stay away from the NAS boxes. They might be a good fit for small systems but from what I have seen they are slow and don't have the enterprise features we need.
  22. So you have to use the client software as a client/server setup to access the video.
  23. What does the GUi interface look like for the on-board NVR? can you post a screen shot?
  24. Keep in mind that not only do you need cameras that have dual streaming your need a VMS that supports dual streaming. Unless you want to log into the web GUI of each camera to view them. Then you have to log into the client software to review recorded view. Not very fun to use