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Posts posted by furbo

  1. Do you know if the d4 has a this feature ?


    sorry I'm end user and I own only a DS2 but's supposed to be the same if you have the serial on the rear side of your machine


    the only difference beetween enter prompt in 'bootloader' or as 'disk error' is like below:

    C:\> (bootloader)

    ?:\> (disk error)


    but you can operate many functions also with a disk 'not bootloaded' (fat format error) like change ip address, format C and/or D drive, 'load' a bootloader...


    just type 'help' after 'up towngirl' (become admin) to experiment the commands list

  2. Hi guys, I have been given a DS2A DX16C, but on boot up it says "disk problem - may be wrong fat version - suggest using monitor to reformat disk".


    From what I've read so far, I would need to know the ip address and use the firmware from DM however as I've never seen the unit working I don't even know if it has one let alone what it would be.


    My question is if there is a way to find out the ip considering the DS2 doesn't get past the "disk problem" screen. Or is there another way to get it working without having to send it to DM.


    Thanks in advance for any help


    Connect the Serial cable from your PC to Serial port 1 on the DS2, and use 'Hyperterminal' with the following settings: 19200-8-N-1


    in the Hyperterminal window, tap ESC ESC ESC to get the ?:\ prompt


    Type 'up towngirl'


    Type 'help' for command list, here you should change ip address as you wish with the network config command...



  3. [cut]3. Having a slave HD installed (even when it is correctly configured) on a system that was "locked" to only have one hard drive. Unhooking the slave corrected this.


    An interesting note on #3 - I was recently trying to upgrade a DS2 9 channel that was originally a single 160 gig HD to two 500 gig HDs. The primary 500 gig drive boots fine and has no problems. When I add the slave drive, the system will not boot. I tried three different slaves of different sizes, but none of them worked. As soon as I remove the slave, the system boots fine. I decided to call DM about it and see if there was something I was missing. The tech at first was talking through it with me, and stated that some DS units are "locked" and won't allow a slave drive. Once I mentioned that I had also upgraded the primary drive, he immediately refused to talk to me. He stated that I shouldn't do that, that they use special HDs in the units not just regular drives, etc. He then said he was not allowed to comment further as what I was doing was not permitted by DM and ended the call.


    It's interesting because just a few days ago I took an older DS2 16 ch 160 gig and upgraded it with 2 500 gig drives without a problem. That unit also only had one drive originally. The only difference was that it was older and has different boot software and application software installed. I can't change the boot software on the 9 ch but I might try to install an older rev of the application and see if that resolves it. Most likely it's in the boot software thought. I also might try removing the slave from the 16 and installing it as a slave in the 9 with the folder structure already in place. I don't think that will work, but it's worth a try.


    Following your instructions I yet installed 2 x 500Gb Seagate 7200.10 in my DS2 16 ch (originally was 1 x 80Gb). As the master drive work perfectly in place, the slave drive not allow the system to start as you described here!


    Did you worked around and found a system how to 'reset' bios and unlock the slave drive?


    I will try some experiments trhu serial connection with severals command available after the 'up towngirl' command...
