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Everything posted by JTA

  1. I was recently contracted to install 9 cameras on an existing DVR system. The existing outside cameras are run with rg59 Siamese power 24v A/C They look pretty good with minimal interference. I installed the 9 12V cameras using Cat5 and surge protecting video baluns. ALL the cameras are Wavy! Not horrible, but I'm not happy with the results. The shop has ALOT of differnt voltages running through it. 120, 220 ect. It's an old factory. I tried ground loop isolators. This didn't help the problem. I was carefull to keep my runs away from power lines in the building. my close cameras 25-50 feet look as bad as the longer runs 400-500 feet. Did I make a mistake running cat5e?? I noticed when I wiggle the balun connection at the dvr I actually see the video get better! Do I have bad baluns? Should I be using active baluns? Please help....I'm not sure what to do.... The DVR is an Everfocus model 16 channel and has monitor outputs for each input. Could the fact that the outputs are not capped be the issue?? Remember there are 5 cameras that are working correctly....
  2. Cat5 is good for existing cable, multi building connections, or runs over 750' but for shorter than that RG59 is best, IMO. Well, since I'm going to have no choice but to run more cable I have some RG6 that I aquired for free! I'm going to run that and use the cat5 I ran for power only. HOWEVER, this company is going to need more cameras run. The runs are over 700 feet and I'm concerned I'm going to have the same issues again if I run coax to the longer runs! I'm considering using one cat5 as a trunk for video back to the DVR. That is using one cat5 for 4 cameras. Does this sound like a good idea??
  3. The transformer is 5amp...Cameras range from 200 to 400mA. I have 6 cameras installed of the 9 I plan to install.
  4. No, but the thought has crossed my mind to use a different balun...I will try that as I try to find the best solution... This is my first install of Cameras as my own company.
  5. Blue video, Orange power...not that it makes a difference... Polarity was checked.
  6. Did an experiment today. I took a box of cat5e (about 200 feet) and used blue for video and orange for power. Result? Wavy lines. I took a second box and put the power on one cable and the video on the other. Result? No more wavy lines. This goes against all the installs I've ever done...but I'm willing to install cable for power only. However, there will be furture installs but these runs will be in excess of 300 feet. I think Cat 5 still is the way to go...isn't it? All that being said. I don't get it. it MUST be either a problem of the A/C coming into the building or the supply is crap...I have yet to nail it down 100%