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Everything posted by RussH

  1. Morning All, Following a couple of burglaries on the industrial estate I have my little shed on, I want to invest in some CCTV to keep things monitors and alert me of any potential incidents. I made the mistake with my home system of going down the route of the cheapest (well its wasn’t the cheapest, but it was cheap). I bought a Sannce package, and to be slightly fair it does what I need at home, although I now realise I probably am not getting the best image quality for my money with such a system. So I thought I would seek some advice on recommended CCTV systems as a reasonable cost. With the all the variants of 1080p, 2k, 4k etc, Im at a complete loss and you can easily get sucked in to the extreme ends of the scales of complete cheap rubbish, or OTT top end stuff that is probably more suited to a aerospace company. In terms of requirements. I am looking to protect a 3 entry points externally, a car park area, and then a few internal cameras. So I think an 8 Channel DVR would suffice. Obviously need day time and night time recording, but I don’t need any super long range focusing, etc Any help on recommend brands or kits that would be hugely hugely appreciated Thanks Russ