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Everything posted by zeilstar

  1. zeilstar

    NVR to Access Point Wirelessly?

    To defend my case: 1. It's what I had on hand 2. It's cheap 3. It is a solution to what the original poster requested I know the limitations of this hardware. Sending an email notifications for a failed drive or camera are way more important than streaming live video in my case so it works for me. I agree that a more expensive router would accomplish the same thing.
  2. zeilstar

    NVR to Access Point Wirelessly?

    I've been using one of these. Powered by USB, or on board battery, ethernet port at the other end to plug into. https://www.ebay.com/i/252514250563?chn=ps&dispItem=1 Curious if my camera system would use these as access points between the camera and NVR, allowing me to move the NVR to a more secure location by the router.