Last year i bought a system and I'm pretty happy with it.
Suits my/our needs (residential user)
Only complaint i would have is that accessing recordings is a bit clunky (and a bit hit and miss).
Box seems to get its nickers in a twist and ends up getting stuck 'buffering' if you've tried searching.
Is it possible to upgrade the DVR unit?
The existing cameras (4 of them) are P2P (and I'm looking to make use of them still)... I'm thinking i can just get a new box, plug them in and away i go? Or am i being too naive?
I'm looking for something thats reliable (obviously) but offers a decent interface/app.
Maybe something that sends an alerts to our phones when something is detected.
Something that its very easy to search for recordings.
Maybe even something that I can access on my TV (or is that too much to ask)?
This might all be possible on my existing set up (my current app is called XMEye). If it is, its not too intuitive and i don't have the patience to work it all out.
Any help on a) if this is possible i.e. i can upgrade the DVR in isolation from the cameras b) where do i start?
A quick google and i can see loads of boxes available, but how do i find out which offer the best interface?