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  1. JustTriniJohn

    DVRvideo out failure due to HDMI cable?

    Aaahh...ok, I got it. Thanx for clarifying. The present set-up continues to work fine with the (thinner) cable. Cheers!
  2. JustTriniJohn

    DVRvideo out failure due to HDMI cable?

    Thanx for your response. In my case however I was not using UTP extenders... so - unless I am missing something here...līke a built-in extender perhaps? - I guess my search continues.
  3. Hi Folks. I have had three H264 DVRs become non-functional (HDD still works, power light comes on, but no video output) within a short space of time when connected to the HDMI input port of a smart tv. After having the electrical system in the house re-checked - finding no faults - I hooked up yet another DVR but with one (minor??) difference: instead of the very thickly shielded HDMI connecting cable, I used a less shielded ("thinner") cable and have been met with success. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could have been the issue here? Is there some way that power could have been coming back to the DVR via the thick cable and frying the video output on the DVR side?