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  1. Freydad

    Floureon DVR Port Help

    A reply to my own post I decided to load a port scanner onto my PC and I scanned the DVR's IP address. It's quite scary how many ports are open on the DVR (good job it's behind a firewall) but anyway, I scanned from 10 to 65535 (maximum) and the port I'm after turns out to be 34600. Rather than delete the post, I'll leave it here in case it helps someone else.
  2. Freydad

    Floureon phone access help

    Depends on how you are connecting. Are you connecting via the cloud or via a direct IP connection ?
  3. Does anyone which port the Floureon DVR uses for its mobile app access? I want to connect to it directly via IP rather than the cloud but for the life of me I can't establish which port the app uses. Thanks in advance.