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Everything posted by glnta

  1. Hi all. I have a 16 channel DVR (Avtech 798 ZBD) I have 13 cameras on the system, all analogue. This has been running for about 8 years. This is a multiplex system. I view the footage mostly on the Avtech EagleEyes software Video Viewer (Version on my laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate. The DVR has 4x Audio inputs (1,2,3,4) and 2x Audio Outputs. I have added a picture of the connections on the back of the DVR I decided to add an Endline Mic to the system. The Mic has it's own power supply. I connected the RCA lead to Audio In 2 - the Video Viewer software is showing me a small white speaker symbol with the number '2' at the top - which tells me that Camera 2 supports Audio. I can hear the Audio perfectly. The audio records perfectly. The problem I have is this :- When I rewind, say one hour, the video footage plays ok but the audio is still LIVE. The only way I can get to hear the audio from time gone by is if I click to DOWNLOAD footage. Once downloaded and then played through Avtech EagleEyes software Video Player (Ver I can play the audio, rewind it, forward it, etc. I cannot work out what the problem is. The manual states the the DVR supports audio playback and in fact if the audio is in live playback mode the small white speaker symbol at the top of the Video Viewer software should turn yellow (or blue on some models), but it stays white = constant live audio. I picked the brains of my local CCTV supplier (whom I buy accessories from) They could not work out the problem, they said maybe you have a setting in the software or a setting on the DVR that you are meant to TICK to support audio playback. They also suggested running a speaker from one of the Audio Out on the DVR. I said that would surely make no difference to the problem as I'm viewing of the internet. They had no answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.