The guy that has offered to install the system is the owner of his company.
He has given us valuable information but his main objective is to sell his product therefore I need to do my own research before our next meeting.
The system he wants to install will have internet access & only designated residents will have access to viewing the footage.
I don’t like the idea of a security system being connected to the internet for obvious reasons therefore I would like to try & create a closed circuit Intranet network where you will have to be in the area to have access to the footage.
I have noticed that criminals usually try & change as much of their clothing as possible prior to a break-in therefore facial recognition & number place recognition is of importance.
When I was working cash in transit (which is a long time ago), organised syndicates used to use signal jammers to block comms between the vehicle & the control room.
I don’t know if this is still possible.
This is one of the reasons why I don’t like a wireless system.
Can a wireless signal be encrypted in such a way that it cannot be jammed or hacked into?
The company that supplies our electricity is unreliable.
Apart from the power tripping a lot when it rains, if people start using too much electricity ( e.g. in winter when people start using heaters or on very hot days when a lot of air conditioners are running) they load shed at a moments notice.
In the last strike Eskom employees had, the employees actually sabotaged substations.
Statistics have show that criminals take advantage of these times.
We do have an armed reaction company working in this area & I have worked in the security industry for over 20 years.
We definitely need a cctv system installed.