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Everything posted by kaysadeya

  1. kaysadeya

    Freezer Camera

    Nothing ticks me off more than a meat thief. (Talk to our cats about that and you'll get an ear full.)
  2. kaysadeya

    Freezer Camera

    Those with meat should monitor their meat and make sure those who remove meat from the freezer have rightful access to the meat. Because meat is meat and no one should be messing with one's meat! (It’s a primal thing.)
  3. kaysadeya

    Outdoor Day/Night Dome Cookoff

    Are you using any IR illumination?
  4. kaysadeya

    Outdoor Day/Night Dome Cookoff

    I'll start this off: Sony: Most expensive, but small size and wide dynamic. Nuvico: Least expensive. Sanyo: Only a little less than the Sony, but no wide dynamic.
  5. kaysadeya

    Baffled and a low budget

    Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Anyway, if the cameras are for use outdoors, look for those that have an auto iris; that should take care of your "white screen" problem. If you want nighttime coverage, your best bet on that budget are B&W cameras. You can probably get a cheapie 4-channel DVR for around £300, so that leaves £100 for each camera, which should be sufficient. There are other members here from the UK, so you might want to contact them for advice on suppliers. Also, check out some of the used B&W cameras on Ebay. There are a number of sellers in the UK.
  6. Shhhhh... I'm working on a deal here!
  7. Snap-N-Seal Gives you the giggles
  8. kaysadeya

    Some general camera questions

    No IR cut filter?
  9. kaysadeya

    Some general camera questions

    Can you provide a link to the specs on this camera?
  10. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

  11. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    How much for the domes, rory?
  12. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    Looks good. What's the "not cheap" price? PM if it's classified.
  13. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    I guess I'm going blind. Where does this say anything about a dome?
  14. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    I'm not aware of a Sammy D/N dome with an IR cut filter. If there is such a thing, can you point to it?
  15. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    Yes, they're Wide Dynamic and THEY ROCK!! But they're also BIG, so the question stands on what eyecu is looking for.
  16. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    By "slide thing" do you mean the thrashing effect when the friggin' thing tries to figure out whether it's day or night? [imagine the 'rolling eyes' guy working]
  17. kaysadeya

    Day/Night Question

    Whew! Hard sell on the 520. Anyway, I have two Samsung 721s and love them. The 520s appear to be very high-quality cameras at a very good price. However, they’re both full-blown CCTV cameras, which are conspicuous. What are you looking for? Low profile or in-your-face? Do you plan to install IR illuminators?
  18. kaysadeya

    Interesting read

    Anywho.... back to the topic of CCTV..... Anyone know where I can find a board camera with both IR cut filter and support for an auto iris lens? (I don't care if it's Union made or not.)
  19. kaysadeya

    who wants an iPac! :-))

    Hey, it's free! I'll take ummmm 3.
  20. kaysadeya

    New: Provideo Dome with External IR

    Dude, I live in the same state as these guys, so NBFD, except having to pay CA SALES TAX!!! . Regarding the cut filter, read: "TRUE DAY NIGHT (TDN) Function using Solenoid TDN Mechanism exists only at Ambush. OLPF filter and Glass can be switched upon certain level of light without any other influence." One “suspicionâ€
  21. kaysadeya

    Interesting read

    scottj, are we having fun yet?
  22. kaysadeya

    New: Provideo Dome with External IR

    Check out the D11-SC5712-TDN camera: http://www.dvrsurveillance.com/Surveillance_cameras/SC5712_TDN_dome.htm It's a dome with both an IR cut filter and AI lens for $225.00.
  23. kaysadeya

    Interesting read

    Anywho... anyone hear a good joke lately?
  24. kaysadeya

    High-quality Board Cameras

    Does anyone know of a high-quality board camera that has an AI lens and IR cut filter? I haven't seen any, but they must exist somewhere or Sanyo and ProVideo wouldn't be able to build domes with these features.