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Everything posted by kaysadeya

  1. kaysadeya

    KT&C Camera recommendations

    NO COMMENTS?!! Come-awn, this one looks like the deal of the century!
  2. I have three Xantech IR receivers connected by wire to a connecting block that transfers IR signals via an emitter to the DVR. Works great. Just google for ‘Xantech’ for more information. I have a Pronto, but there are cheaper learning remotes. Check out this website: http://www.remotecentral.com/ For example, check out the PUR09 at the bottom of this page: http://www.hometech.com/infrared/irremote.html#XA-URC2PRP Cheap!
  3. kaysadeya

    New: Provideo Dome with External IR

    Any idea on the price?
  4. kaysadeya

    Hey kids

  5. kaysadeya

    KT&C Camera recommendations

    Looks like KT&C updated their website. They say that the KC-N600H has a "Mechanical IR Removing Varifocal Auto Iris lens." The specs look good: http://www.ktnc.co.kr/product_01_04.asp From the FAQ: Q: How mechanical day and night cameras work? A: These cameras incorporate IR cut filters which automatically move over the CCD sensor for daytime(color) usuage, to prevent IR light to the CCD. At night time, the filter will be removed automatically to bring in IR right to the CCD, and maximize the low light sensitivity with black and white image. Any comments?
  6. kaysadeya

    Strange object

    Do all Canadian dongles look like that? I guess that would explain a lot..
  7. kaysadeya

    Strange object

    The problems I have with the not-a-balloon argument are: * The flight behavior is exactly like a friggin’ balloon. * You can see the attached string (clearly) on the friggin’ balloon. * You can see the light from the light source on the left-hand side of the image reflecting through the stair railing and off the friggin’ balloon as it floats upward. It’s a friggin’ balloon! (By the way, what’s the hoser running by hiding under his coat? )
  8. kaysadeya

    Strange object

    I give up.... If it's not a balloon with a string attached, what is it? Space sperm?
  9. kaysadeya

    Advice please on camera types

    If you want “covertâ€
  10. kaysadeya

    Advice please on camera types

    If you want a low profile and vandal/theft “resistance,â€
  11. kaysadeya

    Problems with Spytown?

    I've placed a few orders and they were filled. However, some of my inquiries to customer service were ignored. They don’t have an 800 number, so dealing with them by phone is impractical.
  12. kaysadeya

    Camera Wanted

    Looks like it worked out very well. Consider moving the IR illuminator a bit more to the right.
  13. kaysadeya

    Camera Wanted

    Yes, please post a night image.
  14. kaysadeya

    New: Provideo Dome with External IR

    If the LEDs can be removed, then that would be ok. Are these available yet? How much $$$?
  15. kaysadeya


    Very true. But they should at least cover *how* to use the features. *When* to use particular features can be more challenging.
  16. kaysadeya


    Really good "tech support" is a good document! (Sorry, I have to plug my profession whenever given the opportunity.)
  17. kaysadeya

    Day night cameras

    A standard CS-style camera won't work for this location, so I’ve been looking at domes. The Sanyo day/night dome has everything I could ask for, but the price: http://www.spytown.com/savdsumodahi.html Others to consider are the Bosch LTC146 and ProVideo CVC-7245EXTP: http://www.spytown.com/boflxtsevare.html http://www.spytown.com/spcvhdayniva.html However, neither has an IR cut filter. The Bosch appears to be fully adjustable, but it's not clear how many adjustments there are on the ProVideo. There are also the Panasonics, like this one: http://www.spytown.com/panwvvanproo.html But it’s even more expensive than the Sanyo.
  18. kaysadeya

    Day night cameras

    Our other three cars ARE silver, but they're covered by an older B&W camera that works great with IR. Maybe I'll just swap the cameras. By the way, how did the exchange work out with your camera? Did you finally get one that is IR-sensitive?
  19. kaysadeya

    Day night cameras

    Good idea. But the problem is that I have very limited mounting options. Has anyone encountered the same symptoms when trying to monitor a black object? What is the solution?
  20. kaysadeya

    Day night cameras

    Cute. Yes, I have a motion-activated light there too, and even with that on the camera performs the same. I’m convinced it’s the black color of the car that’s confusing the camera.
  21. kaysadeya


    Hey it's Friday. Let's take the edge off and have another. (We're doing Mojitos tonight 'round here).
  22. kaysadeya

    Day night cameras

    I have an idea on what’s wrong with the night vision on my Gen IV.. The black car fills most of the camera’s field of view. To “adjustâ€
  23. kaysadeya

    dvr cards on ebay

    Maybe this thread should be merged with: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=1930
  24. kaysadeya


    Again, for the British-impaired: http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/ZPD.HTM