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Everything posted by plevin06

  1. Hi I am a little lost trying to find the right hardware and software combo for my application. I want to use a camera in my home to collect images and then over Wifi and save them to either a) a PC on my local wireless network or b) an AWS server. Once I have the images on the local PC or AWS server, I will run a machine learning application to interpret the images. Example use case: Camera provides image feed of the kitchen and stores on computer. Software (that I built) reads images, classifies images as either "clean kitchen" or "dirty kitchen. Questions: 1) What type of IP Camera is best for this (reqs: battery powered + good resolution + <$100 + portability to different locations)? 2) What software would I use to stream the images over WLAN onto my local PC or Amazon server? 3) Any recommendations on image format or how often to save images? 4) How can i capture meta-data such as timestamps? Phil