I have several customers with existing CCTV systems that want to utilize a webserver for viewing. Application would be as follows: pet boarding house has 6 cameras on the kennel runs. They would like to charge customers an extra $5/day for the ability to log onto a website, through a traditional browser.
Napco has a server that is limited to 5 users at a time.
I know bandwith can be an issue, but if the client has a T1 line or something, I would like to be able to login 10-15 users at a time.
American Dynamics has DVRs with software integration allowing login by typing an ip into the browser. So does Matrix, etc. but the DVRs are expensive.
I need a webserver allowing multiple user logins, and ideally some sort of administrative control over what cameras a specific login can see. i.e login 1 can view cameras 3 and 4, login 2 views camera 1, login 3 views all cameras, etc.
Tell me there is something that will work for me