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  1. Batilla

    Mini POE Camera

    The same camera is cheaper on AliExpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003518327717.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.11.16a64db1ITSxTu&algo _pvid=9284ed58-0e96-4a44-9416-81d7f699b26e&algo_exp_id=9284ed58-0e96-4a44-9416-81d7f699b26e-5&pdp_npi=4 %40dis%21NOK%21573.93%21396.01%21%21%2149.00%2133.81%21%40211b441e17368714982972092ed887%21120000261480 33219%21sea%21NO%212855867178%21X&curPageLogUid=Pp5Rc2Wv9EEE&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A You can use third party NVR. I myself have an NVR from AliExpress and it works with all the cameras I have. Looks like the camera you are thinking of buying is from the same factory as some of my cameras. My NVR is this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002498924253.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis!US D%21US%20%2422.99%21US%20%2422.99%21%21%2122.99%2122.99%21%40211b61d0173687 21610904099eb9d1%2112000020890246336%21sh%21NO%212855867178%21X&spm=a2g0o. store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007525087880.1005002498924253 It found all my cameras with ease. It has now been running for 5 months without any problems and it is very easy to use. (You must also purchase a hard drive and a power supply 12v2a). It is not a good idea to buy a hard drive on AliExpress!
  2. This post is about how I solved a close-up focusing problem. Hope someone can benefit from it. It was a bit foggy and rainy here yesterday. Then what is near became blurry, and I tried to zoom in and out, but then it only focused clearly at a distance. Then the weather improved, but the camera still wouldn't focus at close range. My solution was to wait until it got dark outside, and turn off the Ir Led on the camera. The background then became darker than the area close to the camera. Then the camera would focus on the close-up again. Today with daylight it still focuses correctly.