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  1. camel

    Mini nvr questions

    Network Connection via IP (Domain Name) and port ... maybe someone need that .. i figured out, that if i want to use the Software AEeye with IP/Domain Setting, that i have to use: IP or DNS Name from NVR PORT: 5800 (which can't be changed) then it can be used also from outside (if Firewall/router is allowing and forwarding port 5800 to the internal NVR IP address. (wondering that it can't be changed, anyhow ... with that config it is working fine. ############ Motion detection still not working (using Firmware 20160707) - and cameras only possible to connect via onvif protocol, all others are not working. on my surveilance System (synology) i'm using Format/protocol "rtsp", but that is not available. can RTSP protocol also be used for the newest Firmware 20160707 to add/patch ? Becuase maybe Motion detection is working if we can add the RTSP protocol to NVR Firmware ? cu camel