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Everything posted by 13jaffy13

  1. hi everyone new to cctv as rough area im living in and we are a family who love our cars and wish to not see them stolen so we bought some cctv yale brand. great cams but we with to set the up for remote viewing for when at work or out and about etc. can anyone explain to me how to do this please ? ive set them up via port forwarding and the DVR is talking with the modern as i can get onto the yale screen for logging in to view the cams, the only problem i have is when i select a cam it dont show ? it gives me the option to save a gif file ? this is being used in IE as chrome does not work and tells me i need a plugin where there is nothing for it sadly. again same with smart phones i can set them all up and they find the cams fine, but as soon as i select one it just says connecting, and when i go back and then click back onto it, i get the message they are offiline ? useing the smart phone via the wifi works perfect but as soon as you come off the wifi and connect to 3g or 4g i have this problem. any help with this please ? ive been playing with it the past 3days and im pulling my hair out here lol
  2. 13jaffy13

    Port Forwarding help

    ive already tried them mate and no joy