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  1. bitjockey

    Timed creation of .JPGs with Geovision?

    Rory, CMF, thanks for your suggestions. The FTP approach sounds easy enough, I saw the FTP functionality, but it never dawned on me to set it up that way. Not too experienced with VB, I'm more of a low-level systems developer (assembler, C), but that would be easy too.
  2. Just joined this forum while trying to find a solution to my GV-808 v7.05 requirements. My 3-camera system is located at my remote cabin, only slow dialup access with a local ISP. I would like my cabin's system to snapshot a .JPG file from each camera on a daily basis, and email them to me. Nice to know how much snow is up there, whether it's raining, etc. I know I can config the Geovision to send email alerts, but that's only possible if motion-triggered -- I can't use motion, as all cameras point outside, moving branches, birds, etc...no way of masking them out. From what I can tell, 2 ways to do this: a) brute force, by running a timed script on the DVR system which runs a local browser, automatically filling in the needed forms to access each camera, snapshotting them, creating the needed .JPGs in the Webtemp directory, then dialing my ISP and mailing the JPG attachments. Or b), figure out a direct way of deriving .JPGs from the GV board and emailing these. Anyone have any experience/ideas on how to do this? thanks