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Everything posted by caddypgt

  1. caddypgt

    Multiple IP Cameras over PowerLine Adapters

    I have a similar situation in that I have multiple IP cameras that I wish to use over Powerline Adapters. I have a Swann SONVR 87090 which comes with 16 channels, 8 of which are POE (which I am not using); as well as 6 x Swann 835 3MP cameras (which I am using non-POE on the non-POE ports). Connecting the cams via Powerline adapters, and then connecting another Powerline adapter to the router; the router only seems to recognise one camera at a time. It also appears that in the router advanced setting page, the router is only picking up one IP address from installed cameras, despite the fact that I have tested 3 IP cameras via Powerline adapters. If I test the cameras independently, they all provide an image via their Powerline adapter. Test them together, I only receive an image from 1 camera, and eventually, I lose a signal. Does anybody have any idea why the three cameras I am testing don't all send footage at the same time?