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Everything posted by jaseemabdu

  1. Hi, I have a winpossee DVR 3016hd MODEL.. For past 1 week its causing me one issue... Some time it gets disconnected from the web browser and mobile app saying network error...and then I need to restart to make it up... During same time if I go near to the DVR to reboot the monitor displays HDD not detected and if I press ok it goes away and the HDD is listed in the HDD management tab after I press OK ... I am using port number 99 for past 3 years.... What will be the issue? This started happening while i tried to replace one camera to another place which is extended over 60m using LAN cable .... Can somebody suggest a way?
  2. I don't think it will work..i already removed and checked..even though I cannot reconnect old one as its already removed... This same thing happened in my other office using same brand DVR...ping was there but no remote connection in same LAN...then I rebooted myself...it was OK.. Will it be due to power adapter if it was loose in wall socket or something?